Sunday, April 21, 2013

Full House Today

It's crowded 

In the Coop:  Ms Buff Orpington, Ms Rhode Island Red, Ms Plymouth Rock, Ms Speckled Sussex and Ms Araucanus.

and crowded in our Country House. 

Have a great week my dear 
Blogging Friends.

I would love to hear from you in English, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Polish and don't forget Latin.




  1. All of your hens look as if they are very busy laying eggs in their coops Gina. Do you manage to get through all of the eggs yourselves or do you sell/give some away.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Seldom do we see all nests occupied. Another group of hens were waiting in line. We gather a lot of eggs in the Spring. We never sell our eggs but share them with neighbors and friends. We often have the favor returned. The bartering system is alive and well in this small community. ox, Gina

  2. Gina cara - Me delectat videre diversis matribus te congregati tui! Et ad optima vota, Marcus Ruffnerius

    1. Dear Mark, of course, you would throw Latin at me. It's been too long since I sat behind a school desk. But I do like to have "cara" follow my name. Yes, our chickens are very diverse and I am delighted that you enjoyed their assembly. Optima vota, Gina

    2. Just for the record, I want to acknowledge that I was never a Latin student, and I know my construction and words weren't quite right. But seeing your diverse roster is a delightful picture.

    3. You had me fooled. It took me a while to figure out which language you were speaking. Later on in the day our chickens had a free range day while I was working in the garden. They took dust baths and my dog Charlie and I had a heck of a time getting them back where they belong.

  3. The bartering system with some of the farmers, is still used around here.
    Such lovely photos Gina.
    As suas galinhas sao muito lindas.. muito grande e gordinhos.
    muitos beijos..
    feliz semana

    1. Dear Val, I'm glad to hear that bartering is still practriced in your area of Portugal. It makes for happy neighbors. Yes our hens look fat and happy when they are all puffed up trying to intimidate those which are standing by to lay the next eggs.
      Muitos beijos, feliz semana. ox, Gina

  4. What a beautiful variety of photos! Hope you have a lovely week, as well! Followed your link at The Tablescaper Link-up.
    Ann @ Cairn Cottage

    1. Thank you for visiting Ann. And, thank you for your lovely compliment.

  5. Gorgeous photos. Love your Hens!

    Wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

    1. Thank you Tablescaper and thank you also for hosting your weekly party.

  6. Dear Gina,
    Oh, your hens look so cozy in their home! They must be the happiest chickens in the world... And I'll bet their eggs are wonderful. As always, your photos are beautiful-- thank you for sharing them!
    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, Our chickens have it made. They get to roam around our property on special occasions. Their eggs are delicious, next time you come this way we'll send you home with some. ox, gina

  7. Hi Gina~ Crowded, but very wonderful, beautiful entry!

    1. Hello Mary, Our chickens usually fight over certain nests that are, for some reason only chickens know, their favorites. Thank you for your visit. I so appreciate it. ox, Gina
