Friday, April 12, 2013

My Winter Greenhouse is waking up

The days are getting longer.

Nasturtiums have been blooming all winter.

My old Geraniums are filling in. 

This one is an Ivy Geranium.

The older the better... gives them so much character.

Every year I plant a few Iceland Poppies into pots so that I can have early flowers. 

Young and old live happily side by side.  

Nasturtiums come in so many fabulous colors.

This one doesn't count.  It's growing on my way to the greenhouse.

I always seed a few Morning Glories in pots.   Gives them a good start. They will trail out of  urns and reach the terrace floor by mid summer. 

All of the flowers in this pot are volunteers...always a nice surprise. 

Have a wonderful weekend my dear 
Blogging Friends.





  1. What a wonderful riot of colour Gina - you certainly know how to get the spring moving along in your greenhouse.

    1. Dear Rosemary, My greenhouse is a simple affair...heated by the sun. It works well for hardy plants and in the early Spring I can get a few favorites started from seeds. ox, Gina

  2. Such beautiful photographs. Poppies are my favourite flower, but I've never seen an Iceland poppy before - it's stunning.

    1. Hello DayDreamer and welcome. Iceland Poppies (papaver nudicaule) are very hardy plants. Usually treated as a semi annual plant. In our area, they can be purchased as little plants in a 6 pack. They will bloom throughout the growing season and well into late Fall. Give them a try. I think that you will love them.

  3. So beautiful!! How wonderful to have a greenhouse.I love the fabulous colors, and succulents are always a favorite of mine.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Kathy. t wasn't until recently that I started to really look at succulents. Out here, in the West, we have so many different varieties and some not so special. But I'm changing my mind.

  4. Such a riot of exotic colors! What a thrill it must be to either look in or go into your greenhouse! Thanks for giving me a peak, too!

    1. Dear Mary, I've just spent a very pleasant hour in my greenhouse planting up small seedlings so that they can grow and be ready for the garden in a couple of months. My greenhouse makes winter months bearable. Thank you for stopping by. ox, Gina

  5. Gorgeous blooms. I envy you with your wonderful greenhouse. I have to wait until summer to see such beauty in my neck of the woods. Thank you for sharing your lovelies. Have a great week! ~Wanda

    1. Hello Wanda, Same here. Not much happening outside. We will also have to wait for another month or so. Thank you for your visit. It is very much appreciated.

  6. Dear Gina - It always does my heart good to see geraniums. They were one of my father's favorite flowers, and they always remind me of my own childhood, as they were ever-present. (But he never had an ivy geranium — that one is new to me!)

    1. Dear Mark, How unique? Your father liked geraniums. Not many people think much of them. Maybe because it is used in so many places and it feels at home in many climates. I wonder if your father was familiar with the Martha Washington geranium. It's flower resembles the Azalea bloom. It is another of my favorite geraniums.
