Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I bet you didn't know

That you can talk to Begonias.

The Tuberous kind of Begonia.

All of the leaves are pointing in one direction.  The flowers will only come from that direction.  Handy to know if you place your pots along walls or into window boxes.

If you turn your begonia it will develop leaves toward the light.  As in this pot where leaves point in all directions. Flowers will grow from the center out and into all directions. 

My Begonias have been growing in the same pot and the same soil for many years.  They go dormant in the winter .  Before a heavy frost I take them inside and let them rest in a dark place.  About the middle of April I will notice new growth.  It is then that I start watering and feeding them. 

Have you tried growing Tuberous Begonias?

There are so many varieties and 
they all make a big show. 

Have a great remainder of the week my dear 
Blogging Friends.



  1. Gorgeous blossoms, Gina!
    I did not know that one can manipulate the growth of leaves and that way have flowers grow in all directions. Great fact, thank you!

    Sunny greetings from Vienna,

    1. Dear Merisi, My Mother loved flowers. she is the one who told me this little secret. And, she was right. It works, every time. ox, Gina

  2. Dear Gina, I did not have luck with begonias, which I grew when I lived in Pittsburgh. I did not understand that they went through a dormant stage and probably over-watered them. But then, the Pittsburgh light was not great, either.

    1. Dear Mark, In our climate tuberous Begonias bloom from Spring to Fall. They are not frost hardy and leaves will freeze easily. But the plant will survive and easily bloom again the next year. Why not give them another try.

  3. I didnt know that there were tuberous begonias. My mother loved her begonias.. I have never had much luck with them.
    This is great info Gina.
    I might just try a begonia..
    yours are beautiful.
    happy 1st of May
    val xx

    1. Dear Val, Begonias need a lot of water. They do best in ceramic pots. They don't mind being crowded. After a few years, in the same container, you might have to give them a little fertilizer, the acidic kind. They should do well in your climate. ox, Gina

  4. Very helpful and new information about tuberous begonia leaves!
    Thank you for your excellent knowledge and sharing how to talk and listen to a begonia!!!

    1. Dear Mary May, It's like magic, it really works. Give them a try. They are trouble free and flowers are showy and very large.

  5. Dear Gina - I love Begonias - they are so bright, cheerful, and colourful. I particularly like the one that looks like raspberries and cream with frilly edges - reminds me of a dance dress.
    Hope you have had a lovely sunny day on this first day of May,

    1. Dear Rosemary, My favorites are the frilly peach colored Begonias. I like how you compared them to "a dance dress"...a charming observation. Because it is so hot during the summer I keep them in the shade and move the pots when I need a little quick color.
      Yes, we had sun yesterday, but the winds were icy and it was not a good day to be outside. Hoping for better weather next week. ox, Gina

  6. Dear Gina, I have no Begonias to talk to.......the tuberous kind is not suited to hot and humid climates.Not only are the flowers very pretty but I like the leaves as well.Nice and colorful variety.
    Greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, That is what makes gardening so interesting. I am envious of your early season and the pretty flowers you have had already. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that our Lilacs and fruit trees survive this cold spell. ox, Gina

  7. Hi Gina, I had no idea of any of this. My plants always look at me and say...when do you want me to expire and then, they do, even if I try not to allow it to happen. I shall have to remember this lesson!

    1. Dear Mary, Don't give up. There are plants and flowers that will do well for you. It only takes one successful garden or window box or even just a small potted plant to make you into a gardener with a green thumb.
