Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mon Bouquet du Jour

Daisies, simple Daisies.

They're not particular.  Daisies will grow anywhere.

Growing in profusion at the back of our house.

Inside or outside, always welcome.

Daisies are so obliging.  Scatter their spent flower heads (whole) wherever you want them to grow.  

Thank you for stopping by. Your friendship is so appreciated.

Have a wonderful week my dear 
Blogging Friends. 



  1. I love daisies! They are the most cheerful flower. Lovely post, Gina!

    1. Thank you Ricky Jill and thank you for your visit. It is lovely to see you here. Happy Sunday.

  2. Glorious! A simple but stunning arrangement and that daisy field is heavenly! Wishing you a beautiful weekend, dear Gina! xo


    1. Dear Georgianna, Every year my daisies muliply and multiply. They are so easy to take care of and so long lasting in the house.
      I miss you and your beautiful photographs on Blogger. I know it is a lot of work posting and you have so many obligations. Have a wonderful weekend and a lovely week ahead. ox, Gina

  3. Daisies, simple Daises, oh how lovely they are and the way you have placed them in these images, they light up a room, very pretty. Have a Happy week Gina~

    1. Dear Mary, I'm so glad that you also love Daisies. You are right. they light up a room, any room,
      Have a wonderful wee4k. ox, Gina

  4. So cheerful. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I didn't know about the spent flower heads, that is very useful to know. Thank you.

    1. Hello Darlene, I do the same with Hollyhocks...lay the entire stem in an area where I need a little more color. Thank you so much for your visit.

  5. I love daises too, they are beautiful. They look gorgeous cut and in vases. Lovely photos.

    1. Dear Eileen, Daisies do look lovely in vases and isn't it surprising how long they last in water. They always look fresh and sweet no matter where you put them

  6. I love all the daisies growing outside - brings back memories of the field behind our house before more houses were built. They sure last a long time in a vase of water; I've got a bouquet a week old and they still look fresh as the day I picked them.

    1. Dear Lavender, It is amazing how long Daisies last in a vase. I'm sorry that you lost your field of daisies. Maybe you can start a new one. I'll send you the seeds.

  7. Hi Gina,

    Visiting via Mary's Party. I am in awe of your beautifully photographed world!! From flowers and fields to gelato and bees, you are living a dream - breathtaking images of colour, texture and depth! Looking forward to further exploring the wonder!


    1. Dear Poppy, Hello and I'm so happy that you stopped by. Thank you for your wonderful compliments. It means so much. ox, Gina

  8. Daisies are such faithful cheery friends they just keep giving. They just shout Summer. Great photo. Kathy

    1. Thank you Kathy for your sweet compliment and thank you also for your visit. I know that there are several varieties of Daisies but I still prefer the simple, single type.

  9. I learn so many things from you, Gina! I didn't know it would be so easy to grow daisies! I'm guessing you scattered quite a few!

    1. Dear Mark, And I learn so many things from you. Can you grow Daisies in your climate? Once established, they like to take over. But around our garden they are welcome harbingers of more to come.

    2. The Shasta Daisy likes plenty of sun and grows in any soil, so should work for Florida, though I don't see them around. I think one of our most successful flowers here is the nasturtium.

    3. Dear Mark, As you might have noticed I am very fond of Nasturtiums. I can send you a few Daisy seeds so you can give them a try.

  10. Daisies are one of my very favorite flowers. I carried them in my wedding. I always have daisies growing in my garden and love it when I can cut them for house bouquets.

    Thanks for the beautiful eye candy tonight.

    1. Hello Art and Sand, You're in good company. So many of us like the simple Daisy, and what's not to like. They are perfect in any setting. Have a great week and thank you for your visit.

  11. Gosh, lovely daisies Gina. My daughter brought me a tiny little poetry book of poems for daisies the other day. It's such a sweet little book. I too love daisies. I think daisies were the very first flower I ever tried to draw. Hope you have a lovely rest of the week. :)

    1. Thank you Veronica. It would be lovely to have a book of poems about daisies. Since you know how to draw why not paint a few sheets of stationary. Your friends would be so surprised and so pleased to have such a treasure.

  12. I grew daisies years ago...almost forgot that! They are hearty and so lovely when in bloom. Your yard, and house are both welcoming, Gina!

    1. Dear Theresa, Wish I could send you a bouquet of dasies. I have sooo many and would love to share. Have awonderful weekend. 0x, Gina

  13. Somehow I missed this post Gina - a stunning display of daisies at the back of your house. I used to love making daisy chains on our lawn when a child. May be they are the first flowers that we really become aware of as a child with their bright sunny faces. The daisies I grow now are marguerites which have a soft green foliage.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Maybe you also remember making a wreath to carry on your head like a crown. To this day I still love the simple daisy, maybe a reminder of uncomplicated times.

  14. P.S I have a daisy post I did a few weeks ago in 'drafts' which I had forgotten about - you have reminded me that I must resurrect it.

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing your Daisy Post. Daisies are still one of my most favorite flowers. I love the way they naturalize.

  15. Beautiful images as always. Love your daisies and the pot is perfect.

    1. Thank you Judy and thank you for your visit. I don'tknow how old this beat up enamel bucket is but it's been around for a while.

  16. Thank you Judy, That pot is an old enamel bucket which I had to negotiate for when we purchased the old farm. The elderly Lady didn't want to let go of anything. And I didn't blame her...she had lived there for almost a hundred years.

  17. This is gorgeous Gina! as i was admiring the back of your house, i was wondering if you ever had a picnic among the looks so romantic..I'm quite certain daisies are easy...never tried to have them in pots..Summer looks really inviting in your beautiful place...Have a great week end !
    xo Lala

    1. Dear Lala, I love your new dress. Reminds me a little of your beautiful aprons which you have designed.
      We have picnics everywhere, there are so many places to choose from, we are lucky. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and lots of success at your next bake sale. ox, Gina

  18. Hello,
    I love daisies, and these are so pretty. I think I like them because they are simple, as your said. I saw you on sweet Anita's blog. You have a lovely blog with many wonderful pictures. Me and my daughters also have a blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow.

    It's so nice to meet new friends.

    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

    1. Hello Sheri and welcome. How thoughtful of you to leave such a nice comment. You are right, it is wonderful to meet new friends. I think that is what we all like most about blogging.

  19. Hello hello Gina!
    Such a long time-- I'm so glad to have the opportunity to finally pop in for a visual treat! I hope you are well-- I still owe you some pictures of a most beautiful result with our tile project....They're coming! Thanks again for your beautiful images-- I think your garden is absolutely gorgeous!
    Warm regards,

    1. My dear Erika, How wonderful to hear from you. I noticed your lovely watercolor. What a talent you are! Yes, I would love to see a picture of the installed tiles. They have been amongst my all time favorites. Thank you for your sweet complimants. Have a wonderful weekend and coming week.
      ox, Gina

  20. Replies
    1. Hello Ruchika, Thank you for your visit and lovely compliment. Have a wonderful week.

  21. How lovely it must be to step outside and see all those pretty daisies smiling in the sunshine! Love your mosaic, it's so bright and cheery.

    1. Hello Maggie, Even though my daisies bloom for only a short while, they are a welcome sight. Thank you for your visit.

  22. Daisies are such a happy flower! You are lucky to have so many. Fun!

    1. Hello Snap, Yes, they are a happy flower and so easy. They just show up every year, growing through the grass. I brought one bunch from the old house and they multiplied over the years.

  23. They really are gorgeous and spread and make more blooms every year. I wish I had a bouquet in my house. I have some silk ones! heehee! Happy MM!

    1. Hello Lavender Dreamer, Daisies are so easy to grow. It is an easy plant to start in your garden. They will reward you year after year.

  24. Daisies are such friendly flowers, welcoming and cheerful. They look lovely in your garden.

    1. Hello Lorrie, I love my daisies even though they are multiplying and showing up everywhere. I don't consider them a nuisance because once they are finished blooming, a swift pass with our Italian machine puts them to rest for another year. The grass grows through them and all is well.
