Friday, June 28, 2013

Salpiglossis growing in my Garden

My Salpiglossis are fascinating, maybe you think so too.

They never fail to be noticed in my garden.
Salpiglossis have one major drawback.  When in their prime some of the plants all of a sudden wilt.  Not from lack of water but because a tiny little brown worm has been eating the roots. 

Growing next to other Annuals, here next to the sky-blue Petunia.

With my old fashioned roses.

The Salpiglossis, belonging to the Solanacea family,  is a cousin to the Petunia and is a Chilean Native.

First introduced to the United States in 1823. It is also known as Velvet Flower and/or Painted Tongue.

The name comes from two Greek words meaning trumpet and tongue.

They come in many sensational colors from black to purple to orange, red, yellow and blue.

They remind me of an exotic bird...

or a beautiful Butterfly.

Salpiglossis make long-lasting cut flowers, often fading to an even more sensational color.

Seeds are easy to find.  They grow in many climates but prefer cool nights.   

Have a great remainder of the week my dear
Blogging Friends,



  1. Your salpiglossis are spectacular. With their intense centers and lighter outer petals, they seem to be beckoning for one to come closer.

    1. Dear Mark, Salpiglossis really are spectacular, especially when you see them in person. The flower itself is as large as a petunia. If they weren't so difficult I'm sure that more gardeners would give them a try.

  2. This is one of your flowers that I've enjoyed in the past. Beautifully exotic - to my eyes! And a flower that before reading your blogposts had slipped under my radar! I have yet to notice it in person - but this summer I will be on the lookout.

    1. Dear Mary, I would also love to see them grow in another climate. A climate that is not in the desert. No doubt they would grow to be twice the size as mine...which would ,make them even more spectacular.

  3. Wow Gina, this flower is a true show stopper. Begone little brown worm that dampens this show!

    Am I wrong in thinking that you've drawn/painted these flowers and that eventually some image they originated will appear in your painting?


    1. Dear Frances, That little brown worm is my nemesis. I'm trying to find another plant that they will like better and leave my salpiglossis alone. So far they also like pansies.
      I have not painted salpiglossis and I don't really know why. They would make wonderful subjects. Will you give them a try?

  4. Dear Gina,
    What a beautiful flower! To me, they look as if they're made from marbleized paper-- what a fun thought! I shall have to investigate and see if I can grow them here in Michigan-- I hope so...
    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, There is no reason why Salpiglossis would not do well in your climate. Thompson & Morgan Seeds has a wonderful selection. It is not too late to give them a try this year. Once you grow them you will have plenty of seeds for the next year. Happy Sunday to you and yours.
      ox, Gina

  5. Nice to meet you, visiting your blog has been a pleasure!I love your images .

    1. Dear Princesa Nadie, And it is nice to meet you also. The admiration is mutual. I have admired your photos and your blog. Gina

  6. Dear Gina..
    What a delightful flower. its the first time i have seen it. How stunning it would look on a plate.!
    I have been abscent for a while.. due to some blogging problems..
    My old blog..val's is back again.
    I am not up and running on bloglovin yet..
    best wishes.. for a great July.
    val xx

  7. Dear Val, I am so happy to hear from you. And also so glad that your blog is back again. I have missed your wonderful posts from Portugal. I hope it's smooth sailing for you from now on. ox, Gina
