Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July

We're celebrating.  What are you doing today?

Thank you for stopping by.

It's going to be hot today, but shade is just around the corner.

Enjoy this very special day!




  1. Happy 4th July Gina - love all of your colourful pictures, especially the ones with the Oleander blooming, such a lovely shade of deep pink. Just a brief call to say thank you for your kind comments today - things are quite hectic here - eldest son and family are on the plane at this moment coming over from Norway.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I'm always amazed at how easy it is to grow oleander in a pot...even a very large oleander tree. In our weather oleander freezes in the winter so I move it inside. It even continues to bloom in my house by a large window. ox, Gina

  2. Looks like a lovely spot to celebrate the day!

    1. Hello Martha and thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. It was a perfect day even the skies cooperated with a loud and noisy fire show.

  3. Lovely photos! We are having a yard sale and downsizing..

  4. Dear Gina,
    Happy Independence Day. I love the peaceful setting of your patio with all the wonderful colors of summer,
    bougainvillea on the table and the lovely Oleander in a pot.Just the right spot for a cool Gin and Tonic.
    Happy greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Every year I am so surprised that the oleander and bougainvillea have made it through the winter. They don't survive outside but make it in the cool greenhouse. Even my lemon trees and cumquats survived. We should have had a Gin and Tonic...why didn't we think of that.
      ox, Gina

  5. I return your Happy Independence Day wishes to you, Gina. What beautifully saturated colors you show us as July begins.

    Delighted to report that I actually had this particular July 4 as a day off...expect to be back at work on Labor Day...but that's a while away.

    Earlier today, I took a walk over to the Hudson River where tonight's annual fireworks show will happen. This morning there were no crowds, and it was fun to see the lovely sky and smell the river, and not feel crowded, except perhaps by the giant buildings on the edge of Manhattan.


    1. Dear Frances, you take the most interesting walks. Maybe, you'll invite me to come along one of these days. ox, Gina

  6. Oh my goodness! I want to live right smack in the middle of that alfalfa field too. That porch is gorgeous and so inviting!

    1. Hello Debbie, You have to love country living to enjoy that much Alfalfa. Thank you for your lovely compliment and thank you also for your visit. Gina

  7. Gina, we got rained out and fireworks have been postponed for another evening. But friends and I enjoyed a video on Franklin D. Roosevelt and his affairs, called "Hyde Park on Hudson." Not particularly patriotic, but it sparked some interesting conversation!

  8. Dear Mark, Who cares about patriotism when one can be titillated by Franklin...hope it was in color.

  9. Dear Gina,

    I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July! We had a quiet day at home in the garden, punctuated by lots of fireworks in the evening... What fun! Your bouquets are so lovely-- I'm tempted to ask permission to paint one for use in my calendars, but I fear any painting of mine would pale in comparison to the perfection of Mother Nature!

    Have a lovely BBQ-filled weekend...!
    Warm regards,

  10. Dear Erika, Maybe painting a flower bouquet in your very own style rather than mimicking mother nature would make for a wonderful piece of art. You should give it a try. ox, Gina
