Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mon Bouquet du Jour

You all know that I do not allow yellow flowers in my Garden.
It's because my house is yellow. 

But I love them IN my house.

Blue, lavender, peach and red are all welcome.
But not yellow. 

Yellow adds just the right amount of cheerfulness...inside my house.

 Have a wonderful week my dear 
Blogging Friends. 



  1. Happy Saturday, dear Gina,
    The warm yellow and gorgeous purple of the Clematis
    go so well together and make for a cheerful image
    indeed.I also admire the beautiful fabric of the
    chair/Settee next to the flowers.
    My Begonias are still doing well in the Texas heat
    producing endless new blooms.
    Very best greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, It's my favorite French sofa that you see next to the flowers. Are you growing tuberous or fibrous Begonias? I love all Begonias. they are so easy. They even do well in our desert climate. ox, Gina

  2. Your vase of yellow and purple look so stunning.. especially with your mirror in the background.
    thank you for your weekend wishes.. The same to you ..
    happy days
    val x

  3. Dear Val, You're right. Because of the gold carving the flowers look like they are near a mirror. What you see is actually the corner of a French sofa.
    It's interesting how photos can distort images. Thank you for your visit.
    Have a great week ahead. ox, Gina

  4. The purple and yellow do look beautiful! Lovely arrangement and mosaic! Have a happy week!

    1. Thank you Eileen and thank you also for your visit and comment.

  5. And they look beautiful in the house. Have a great week:)

    1. Wishing you a great week as well. Thank you for stopping by.

  6. Exquisite mosaic and what a a lovely color combination ~ Happy Week to you ^_^

    1. Hello Creative, Thank you for your lovely compliments. Have a happy week yourself and thank you for your visit.

  7. Dear Gina - how interesting that you should have chosen both the colours of imperial China - yellow and Royalty - purple. They compliment each other perfectly - a lovely arrangement.

    1. Thank you Rosemary, As you so well know, happy combinations often happen by accident. And so it was when I took a stroll through my garden. ox, Gina

  8. Dear Gina,

    I have to say, your self-imposed color palettes are so successful and wonderful, but, I think your home is so lovely that flowers in any shape or color would be beautiful with it!!! Thank you for such beautiful pictures...
    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, You are so sweet to give me such lovely compliments. I have yet to meet a flower I don't like. Even though we tend a very large vegetable garden, it is the flowers that send me out early in the morning. ox, Gina

  9. Beautiful house - such a wonderful setting. You must love living there. Your bouquet du jour is charming and yellow does add a note of brightness to the house!

    1. Hello Lorrie, We thank our lucky stars every single day. Living in the country, as we do, is not for everyone. It is perfect for us and we love it.

  10. Dear Gina,

    Your house looks great with whatever flower you might plant! I understand from consulting the dictionary that, by definition, even beautiful yellow flowers would be weeds in your garden!

    1. Dear Mark, please don't mention weeds. We have too many weeds. It's not easy to take care of 40 acres. The cattle help. They are prodigious feeders, weeds and all.

  11. Beautiful flowers. If you had yellow flowers outside, they would not show up! So beautiful inside though.. xo marlis

  12. Hello Marlis, You would be surprised how yellow flowers really clash with my house. Luckily there are so many other colors to choose from. Thank you for stopping by. Your visit is very much appreciated.
