Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I must rid myself of images which haunt my nights.

Photographs had to be taken
 of a scene of terrible destruction.

I will not post the photos here.

 We had a terrible thunder storm a few days ago.

Lightning struck one of our pastures.

They were all standing in a circle.
All 17 of them.

It killed four of them, instantly.

Four beautiful Charolais Cattle.



  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your cattle. There is nothing we can do about the wrath of nature but I hope the images you have been left with don't stay with you for long.
    Take care,
    Anne xx

  2. Gina, I am so saddened by this.....Nature is angry, damaged, hurt...I am not sure what is going on heart goes out to you.
    We just experienced a devastating thunderstorm two weeks ago in our area....N.xo

  3. Gina, what a very sudden and awful strike. I think that this year has made me more and more aware of extreme weather. The word storm has taken on a much stronger meaning in my mind.

    Best wishes to you and your family as you try to find ways to absorb what has happened to those beautiful cows. Perhaps your being able to share this experience through your post will be helpful.


  4. I'm so very sorry to hear that you've experienced such a dramatic and awful event at your beautiful home, Gina. My thoughts are with you. xo

  5. I am so sorry for the loss of these innocent creatures, and that it was so close to your heart. I send good thoughts and best wishes to you both. — Mark

  6. Dear Gina,
    As a child I could sense when a terrible storm was on the way and I would pray that it would pass without
    harming us. That is all one can do in the face of nature's force unleashed.I am so sorry about the fate of your beautiful cattle and the images that haunt you.
    With warmest hugs, Sieglinde

  7. I too am sorry to hear of this..

  8. Dear Gina - I was upset to learn about the tragic and unforeseen loss of four of your beautiful Charolais cattle. The face of nature can be benign but also cruel. I am sure that the image is one that you will never forget but hopefully in time it will gradually soften. Thinking of you.

  9. Dear Friends, Anne, Nella, Ramble Ann, Frances, Georgianna, Mark, Sieglinde and Rosemary. Thank you so very much for your kind words and good wishes. It is so appreciated. ox Gina
