Monday, October 28, 2013

An Apple a day and then some

We've had a bumper crop.

Of apples this year.

They'll make delicious apple juice.

The light frost made them sweet and ready to pick.

We'll make a few gallons of Apple Juice.

Cranked by hand, cut up apples are chopped into smaller pieces. 

Then moved to this side to be pressed.

Many more apples growing on our trees.

And more pears already picked.

Some we'll keep in the barn.

Some we'll bring into the house. 

Snow is predicted for tomorrow and there are many more apples to press. 

Want to help?

Have a lovely week my dear friends.



  1. I'm coming! These pictures are fabulous and I'm really jealous of you.Being close to nature,keeping traditions and be surrounded by all this beauty, you are blessed!

    1. Dear Olympia, You are right, we are blessed. Living in the country suits us well. We are lucky in that we could, after living many years in the city, come back to the simple country life.

  2. Dear Gina,
    That is some real apple crop you have there.
    You will surely not be short of apples. The juice looks divine.
    lots of fun making your own juice.
    Great photos.
    happy days .. apple pies, apple strudle, apple sauce , lots of good apple recipies.
    val x x x

    1. Dear Val, You're right, apples lend themselves to many great recipes. Have made apple sauce and apple strudel. Now, need to make a few apple pies.

  3. That is a wonderful apple press Gina - you and Gene must be so healthy with all of the vitamin C you get from your wonderful crop of fruit.
    Looking at that glorious blue sky and the sunshine, it is difficult to think that snow is on the way for you, hopefully the forecasters have got it wrong.
    We do not have enough apples to make juice, but H is busy making apple crumble and apple cake.

    1. Dear Rosemary, It's still dark outside and I can't tell what kind of day we're going to have. Took the dogs out earlier and it was mild and warm.. Maybe we will luck out and have another sunny day. Have not tried apple cake, must look up a good recipe.

  4. Gina, I would love to be there and help. I think that I love apple juice, more than apple juice loves me. Supposedly, I am allergic to apples, but over the years, have found I can handle them in small doses~

  5. Dear Mary, When you come to help we can serve you chilled champagne. Champagne is almost as good as fresh apple juice.

  6. Dear Gina, this reminds me of my childhood and this is what fresh apple juice looks like. The taste of the juice fresh off the press is just
    so different than anything one can buy. Wonderful pictures which bring back such memories...............Your apples and pears look so healthy,
    and so does handsome Mr. G. next to that wonderful barn door with a splendid 'Knocker'.
    Greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Not long ago, while on a visit in Austria we were staying in a "Zimmer Frei". Below us was a huge commercial apple press which pressed apples for the entire village. Growers showed up with big wagons full of apples to be pressed. A couple of glasses of fresh apple juice was shared with us. I have never forgotten how intense and delicious it was.
      Mr G was so pleased to see your comment. He built those barn doors, front and back of the barn.

  7. I'm impressed with your apple-squeezing press! What a treat to be able to drink your very own apple juice!

    1. Dear Mark, We purchased the apple press many years ago in Oregon, apple country. It's not very efficient but makes fantastic apple juice.

  8. How much fun it would be to make apple juice with that fabulous machine! I'll be over this afternoon (hehe) right after I finish clearing the moss off the carport roof!
    I have those same bee glasses! Aren't they fun!
    What a handsome husband you have with that smiley face!

    1. Hello Mary, Now that is a new one on me; cleaning moss from your carport roof. Mr G is going around with a big grin on his face. He has received 2 compliments and all in one week. Yes, he is very special.

  9. This is the only house and carport that I've had to do deal with moss, but it is pretty common when you have rain, shade from large Douglas Fir trees AND you don't keep up with it during the year! (Never again will I wait!!!) This carport is shared (4 cars) and last year my neighbor cleaned it so this year, it's my turn.

    1. Dear Mary, I suppose growing flowers on top of the moss is not a solution.

  10. What beautiful pics. I've never seen an apple press. So interesting. What a gorgeous day to showcase your apples. Honestly, your pics are great.

  11. Hello Bonnie, Welcome and thank you for your visit. Our apple press not very efficient but always a lot of fun to bring out for the yearly apple pressing party.

  12. Replies
    1. Hello Pretty Dishes and thank you for your visit and comment.
