Monday, December 9, 2013

It Snowed.

It snowed a lot. 
Pond is frozen, not much room left for Ducks and Geese.

More Snow Predicted. 

Have a great week my dear Friends. 



  1. Dear Gina,
    your Christmas tree decorated in red and gold looks very pretty in the snow. These are colors I always return to after having tried something
    new.Your home and the surrounding land looks equally grande in all seasons, just wonderful. The pond with the trees, the mountains in the
    distance and the blue above is always very very special. Your post puts me in the right mood to finish my Christmas mail right now.
    Warmest greetings and hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I remember seeing a little tree like mine in Venice. It was so pretty and maybe made even more so since the snow was gone in only a few hours. It was one of those mornings after an unusual snow storm. I've never forgotten the little tree in an urn sitting by the Grand Canal.

  2. So, so magical, charming, lovely and beautiful...I have such boring stuff..ha ha...truly I do. I absolutely adore coming to your blog for a cheerful visit!

    1. Hello Mary, I'm so pleased that you liked my winter scenes. It makes me happy to know that it uplifted your spirits. Thank you for your visit and lovely comment.

  3. The fresh snow blanket turns everything in a winter wonderland around your home! Love your tree with those pretty baubles. It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, as the song goes. ;-)

    I hope you won't have to venture out and can stay safely home until the roads are cleared.

    It's a stormy evening here in Vienna. I took a break and spent an hour or so in the kitchen, making cookie dough. There are now about 150 little balls of dough, 10 grams each, safely tucked away in the fridge, waiting for me, to be formed into crescents and baked.

    Warm greetings from Vienna,

    1. Dear Merisi, Will you cookies have a little Marzipan in them? If so, will you save one for me? I will not be baking Christmas Cookies this year. I'm too excited and will save up for all the exquisite morsels which will be so hard to resist while in Bavaria and Italy.

      Our snow will stay a while but the roads have been cleared in our area. It is still very cold but we know how to dress for our winters.

  4. Hello dear Gina,
    What a lovely post.. I love the way you have shown your house and garden with the different seasons.
    I know,you have lots of snow where you are. You will be warm with your fire I am sure.
    Its getting colder here in the evenings and early morning.. but such beautiful sunny days.
    happy monday.. val xxx

    1. Dear Val, I see that you still have roses blooming in your garden. I am so envious. No sign of anything blooming or growing in this part of the world. Winters are much too long. I must think of places to escape to.

  5. Dear Gina - what a wonderful kaleidoscope of photographs through the seasons. The last one of the tree laden with newly fallen snow and pretty baubles is as pretty as a greetings card. Keep cosy♥

    1. Dear Rosemary, I love all of our seasons and am so glad that we live in an area where they are very pronounced. But winters do get a bit long around here and winter has just begun.

  6. Dear Gina - The photograph that really drives home the point is the one of the veranda table with the snow piled up on it. I hope you're staying warm!!

    1. Dear Mark, You just reminded me to push the snow from the table...the glass might break in the next storm, which is coming in a day or two.
      This is the time of year we really enjoy our heated floors.

  7. Dear Gina, Your home is magnificent, whatever the season. I love seeing the comparisons, too. Wishing you and Gene a beautiful holiday!

  8. Dear Georgianna, Will we be seeing any snow scenes from you this season? I know that they would be very special and unique. You always "see" things differently.
    We will be in Europe duting the Holidays so, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and David a very merry Christmas and a successful and happy New Year. ox, Gina

  9. What a beautiful home! Love the snow pictures!
