Friday, January 17, 2014

To warm your heart

Her name is Elena Shumilova, 
a mother of two boys from Andreapol, Russia 

See more of her work here

Have a lovely day!



  1. Thanks for sharing the work of this great photographer. She is creating a beautiful legacy for her soons!

    1. So true Mark. Later in life, her grown up boys will probably want to remove some of her early photographs, little boys taking a bath as seen on her Flickr site.

  2. What beautiful photographs Gina - they have an enchantment about them like a magical fairytale story.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Her work is really amazing. I love the soft colors. And what is more appealing than children and their pets?

  3. What magical photos, dear Gina ! Elena uses the light so well to create these images straight out of a dream. The little guy with the huge dog
    is simply adorable. What patience she must have to get these perfect shots. Thank you so much for sharing this, my heart is glowing.
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, You might want to check out Flickr to see many more of her beautiful photographs. You can see how Elena has progressed, and so quickly, from her early work. The Flickr link is at the bottom left of the Newspaper article.
      Happy Sunday to you and yours.

  4. Hi dear, I've been busy sharing your link because these have to be the most amazing photos of children I've ever seen! Each shot is so beautiful, the scenery and atmosphere, the handsome boys and beautiful animals - can that really be a dog! - the colors and landscapes, just breathtaking. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. To think this woman has only been taking photos since 2012, and she knows what must be very nuance possible in a professional version of Photoshop to get these shots - just unbelievable!

    Gina, another mail surprise today, thank you dear so very much, I love asters and will be seeding come spring. Also loved the bag - really sweet and kind of you to do that for me.

    Have just come in from the theatre - very cold out and possibility of our first snowflakes overnight! I'm not waiting up to view them though!
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I knew that you would love to see these photographs. If you check out her Flickr page you can see that her early photographs were good but something was missing. Well, Elena found that missing link and as you say, she has only been taking photographs since 2012.
      You can soon put the aster seeds into the ground. Only a tiny bit of soil is needed to cover. Try 2 different locations and sow them 2 weeks apart. Good Luck

  5. Hello Gine,
    I came here from Rosemary's blog - I was surprised to see Elena's photos here, they were on one of our news sites here in Australia.
    Love her work, these are a lovely collection.
    Also I have looked at some of your photos, they too are lovely.
    Best Wishes....M

    1. Welcome White Angel and thank you so much for leaving such a lovely compliment. Elena's photos are remarkable. Her talent is obvious. It will be very interesting to follow her work. Happy Sunday to you.

  6. Wonderful photos . I would imagine the little boy and girl to be hers! I must take a look at Elena's work.
    Thank you for sharing with us Gina.
    Happy Sunday.. val x

    1. Dear Val, Yes, the children are her own. If you check her Flickr page you can see the progression of her childrens' growth and at the same time how Elena has "grown" in her photographic skills.

  7. Absolument adorable , c'est un merveilleux plaisir pour les yeux.
    Merci chère Gina. Marie josé

    1. Bonjour Marie Jose, You are so right. Elena's photographs are a pleasure for the eyes. How nice of you to visit and leave a comment. Wishing you a wonderful New Year. ox, Gina

  8. Replies
    1. Dear Karin, I knew that you would like this.
