Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Talisman

What do you think?  

A horseshoe is said to bring good luck? 

We built our new house on property that was an old farm a hundred years ago. 

When we take our dogs across the fields we find all kinds of treasures. 

So, here is the question.
Should we hang the horseshoe with the ends pointing up?

So it will trap good luck within?  

 Or hang it with the ends pointing down so that it will release its luck to everyone who comes near.

What do you think?

Until I hear from you,  I will hang them both ways. 
(Just to make sure, for I want my team to win).   

Have a great Superbowl Sunday, my dear

Blogging Friends.



  1. With the ends above to be a trap for good luck.We found more than 50 horseshoes on the propertie at Carolinenthal manor... it is more than 100 years old ,too.They all hang in the horse stable with ends show down to earth.
    Greetings from farm land,Katja

    1. Hello Katja, 50 horseshoes. That's a bunch. Would add a bit of weight to a wall. You have enough horseshoes to make something. Maybe a fence around a flower bed. You probably like them just where they are. Thank you for your visit. It is very much appreciated..

  2. Dearest Gina ,i am an old follower ,I am an old follower ,I am watching because I like your posts but I never comment you .
    About your horseshoe ,I think that you must hang it with the ends pointing down ! I put like the other way mine and Rosemary told me that is not good !!! Have a nice day ! Olympia

    1. Hello Olympia, Thank you for visiting. It is so nice to meet you and thank you for being a follower. Rosemary is probably right. We should hang them with points up so that our luck does not run out.

  3. Dear Gina - Olympia has answered for me - however, there seems to be a little misunderstanding. I always keep the horseshoe with the ends pointing up to keep the luck in - I was told that if it hangs the other way, the luck just falls out. Your interpretation, Gina, of the luck passing to the people around is a much nicer idea. Surely this must mean either way is OK. I hope that whatever way you hang it, your talisman brings you both good health, and lots of luck♥

    1. Dear Rosemary, Thank you for your good wishes. It's a good thing hat we have found several horse's shoes so that we can hang them either way. I'm a little superstitious and will probably hang more with ends pointing keep the luck far so good.

  4. Dear Gina,

    Clearly we need to have more people like Rosemary in the diplomatic corps. I agree with her answer completely. The shoe should be hung upwards so as to collect and retain good luck. But if you believe that good luck streams outward with the shoe pointing down, you won't be wrong (because — I believe — it all comes down to the consciousness of your good intentions).

    1. Bravo Mark, Yes indeed, we need Rosemary to head not just our diplomatic corps but also our Intelligence agencies. As for me, my consciousness of good intentions never wanders very far. Happy Superbowl Sunday. Gina

  5. Dear Gina,
    I also think that what you believe in and your intentions are the power behind the object. So either way you can't be wrong.
    Have a great Sunday, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I think that the overwhelming census points toward the ends going skyward. Of course, the horse wore them sideways. I think the horse knew the better way all along.

  6. Which way, best way, creative way, spreading/keeping luck way - oh my, I had no idea horseshoes could be so complicated, haha! I have one and it just lies flat as a paperweight, easier than hanging whichever way!
    Our cottage is built on a former farm - have never found a horseshoe BUT did unearth a tractor seat when digging some years back!

    Lovely pics Gina - as you have more than one perhaps one up, one down, can cover all the bases!
    Hugs - Mary

  7. Dear Mary, What did you do with your tractor seat? Around here we see many abandoned farm implements...all without seats. I wonder if they have become bar stools.
    You are right, Some will go up, some down.

  8. I love the horseshoe and its meanings. I wish you luck either way your hang your horseshoe! Have a happy week ahead!

    1. Hello Eileen, Thank you for your good wishes. Also wishing you a happy week ahead.

  9. Some up and some down sound good to me!

    1. Hello Camera Girl, Will do just that. Thank you for your visit.

  10. How about down on the way into your property so that those entering will bring the luck in with them, and down once inside so that the luck doesn't all leak out.

    1. Hello Pondside, What a great idea. Hadn't thought of that.

  11. The horseshoes are certainly full of character. I have no opinion on which way to hang them - whatever suits you best. Have a great week ahead!

    1. Hello Lorrie, Being half buried the horseshoes have acquired a wonderful patina. One that would be difficult to copy. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment.

  12. Hi Gina,

    I'm sure a little research on the most beneficial way to hang horseshoes wouldn't take a second! Both your interpretations are logical, though. How wonderful it must be to take a walk around your property and discover such gems, each with a story to tell, I'm sure, if it could. Dreamy!


    1. Hello Poppy,I did a little research and came up with nothing new. The debate will continue. Prior to the old farm, this property was also visited by several Indian tribes. Every now and then a little bit of history surfaces.

  13. Hello Gina. That was a lucky find. I love the textures and colours of that horseshoe. I very rarely follow rules of should or shouldn't but usually do what feels right to me by instinct, so I'm the wrong person to Hope your week is shaping up nicely. :)

    1. Hello Veronica and thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Wishing you a great remainder of the week.

  14. Horses shoe them down, humans hold them up ;) That is my thought and oh so pretty your images!

  15. I am late in commenting Gina.
    Here goes. Here in Portugal, the horseshoe is for good luck. Its always with the open end down.. the rounded part at the top.
    this brings good luck to all who enter the house. .... the horses are shod down..
    I like this post. I can imagine the apple comes from your apple orchard.
    happy days and hope your team won..
    val x

    1. Dear Val, No, my team did not win. And yes, the apple comes from our apple trees who are all under several feet of snow right now, waiting, along with me for Spring to come. Thank you Val for stopping by. Have a great week.

  16. Hi Gina, I just found you from your post for Mosaic Monday on Little Red House. Umm, I should keep my mouth shut but I guess I'll throw in my thoughts about up or down... I too live on an old farm, actually we live in the converted barn which is 100+ years old. I have my horseshoes pointing up as my friend who works at Yankee Magazine Publishing me said up is to keep the good luck flowing through the house! Who knows, I would say if you have some up and some down you hedge your bets with one being right! LOL!
    Hugs and thanks for sharing your lovely photos. A new friend up in New Hampshire.
    Beth P

    1. Hello Beth, I am so happy that you stopped by. I would love to hear more about your converted barn, Have you posted pictures of it in your blog? I will have to look for it. Thank you for your kind comments and thank you also for becoming a new Follower.

  17. Hi Gina, this is a delightful debate. I wonder if putting a basket or other receptacle under the ones pointing down will help catch any luck that falls out. Just in case : )

    1. Hello Darlene, Of course that would work. What a great idea. Why didn't I think of that!.

  18. Hello Katie, I'm so glad that you "found" me. You have made my day.

  19. Yes, also in German culture a horse shoe brings good luck. I think it doesn't matter which way it be hanged up. We have found an old one here at La Pouyette, almost identical with yours! It sits on a table outside the living room window.
    Love your images - beautiful as always, my Dear.

    1. Dear Karin, It must be a universal belief that Horseshoes bring us luck. All of us can use a little extra. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment. ox, Gina
