Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mon Bouquet du Jour

It's raining outside.

 I am happy.

The planned picnic will be inside today. 

We need the rain.

Hansel is standing watch over Gretel who is across the pond sitting on her nest.  

Can you see her, way across the pond?  

My Pheasant Eye Daffodils love the rain. 

And so do I.

Have an extra special weekend my dear Friends. 



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Catherine and thank you also for your is so appreciated.

  2. I spied Gretle. She looks happy over where she is on the pond.
    Your daffodils are stunning.
    A pic nic inside still good. Its the company and atmosphere that make it.
    Its about to rain here too Gina.
    we had two days this week with some sun.
    lovely post..
    happy week ....val

    1. Dear Val, Gretel has laid more than 20 eggs over the last several weeks. She must be very young (it's hard to tell with geese) because she abandons her nest in between laying eggs. Maybe next year she will become a dedicated mother. It looks like we will have a sunny day today. The fruit trees look like they made it and are not affected by the frost.
      I am so pleased that you like this post and thank you for your visit. ox, Gina

  3. Dear Gina,

    I hope Hansel and Gretel have good luck with their hatchlings, and that everybody remains safe from predators, especially as Gretel is not too conscientious. Friends of mine live by a nearby pond, and the ducks there have offspring that are quickly snatched up by egrets. They say it's heartbreaking to watch, and, as you can imagine, very disturbing.

    1. Dear Mark, I understand how your friends feel. In our case it is always the raccoons that kill. Not only do they rob the nest but they also kill the female ducks. I am concerned about our geese. Don't know if they are strong enough. Birds get so focused on protecting their eggs that they will not leave the nest. Gretel is a young one, we think. Her eggs are not fertile. We have taken the eggs from her so that she will not spend 20 plus days sitting on her nest with no results.

  4. Dear Gina,
    your bouquet of Daffodils makes me happy too, they are so beautiful. Spring rain can be so welcome and refreshing and the garden always looks so much better afterwards. A few drops fell this morning, but now it is just humid. Love your beautiful be glasses.
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Oh how wonderful it would be to experience some of your humidity. It is always very dry in our high desert country. Our fruit trees are in full bloom and every morning I check to see if they have survived the frost. So far so good. More frost is predicted. We go through this every year. Sometimes we lose, some years we have bumper crops.
