Thursday, May 29, 2014

Did you know?

That you can keep your old film camera lenses?

And fit them onto a new Digital camera body?

If you have taken photographs for a while, 
you probably have, like me, a few good lenses lying around. 

You can use your old lenses which you used with your film camera, and attach them to your new digital camera body.  

Didn't even need an adapter. 

It's a good idea to purchase the same brand of camera as the lens.

Have a wonderful remainder of the week.  



  1. Wonderful success. The pictures look great! Blessings, Catherine

    1. Hello Catherine and welcome. How nice of you to stop y and leave a comment.

  2. Well that's interesting Gina. I don't have any hanging about but I know friends who might so will let them know.
    Thanks for the good wishes for our trip - I am excited to see those places. I looked up your birthplace, very interesting - I'll wave in that direction as we sail by!

    Warm hugs - Mary

    P.S. Some of my hollyhocks are coming up at long last - I just hope they get rain whilst we're gone!

    1. Dear Mary, I don;t know how much of my birthplace you will see. I have heard that it is all under water...the dikes broke a long time ago.
      I'm so happy that your holyhocks are making an appearance. I have been flooding mine with lots of water and they respond almost immediately.
      Your trip sounds fantastic. Have a most fabulous time. ox, Gina.

  3. I didn't know about the lenses fitting onto digital cameras, either, but what really interested me from this posting was to see earlier photographs of your family. I presume that's your father the woodcarver, and you with an older or younger sister. Your mother is pretty well hidden, but it's a great family photo. (And you know, I've always preferred black and white portraits.)

    1. Dear Mark, Yes, I know of your penchant for black and white photographs. And yes, that is my family. A photograph taken a few years before we planned our escape out of East Germany. That is my older sister, the one with braids in her hair. I always envied her her long tresses. .

  4. Dear Gina,
    this is such good information about the lenses and I will certainly experiment with my older lenses on the Digital Nikon. I see you already tried out your new camera. Isn't it wonderful to be able to take pictures from a distance? Just like Mark I saw the lovely photo of you, your sister and father in the background. Even as a very pretty young girl you had that winning smile.......just so lovely.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, It is not easy to get used to a new camera, especially when trying to get acquainted with manual settings. I used my new camera for the photographs in the mosaic. I took the rest of the photographs with my trusty little Kodak Easy Share camera.. I know that for our upcoming trip to Europe I will be taking my old camera. It is lightweight and small and has plenty of Auto and Manual.
      That photo was taken a long, long time ago...more than sixty years ago. As you can see my sister and I are very different..She was always the serious one and still is.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Tanya, I'm trying to get to know my new camera. It's not so easy. Thank you for your very nice comment.
