Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mon Bouquet du jour

After many cold days and freezing nights, 
Spring has come.

Maybe it will stay.

Have a great remainder of the week my dear friends. 



  1. You are lucky, today we had storm, cold and rain.


    1. Hello Filip, I know how you feel to watch the rain and cold ...wishing you lots of sunshine.

  2. Gina, depending on if they were sheltered by shade, or graced by full sunlight, our NYC tulip flowers have disappeared, or are on the wane. It's so good to see that the tulip parade has now reached your part of the world. These flowers really are show stoppers!


    1. Dear Frances, It has been cold so the tulips have lasted a little longer. And always, those that were newly planted last October are much later than those which were planted many years ago.

  3. You always have such beautiful color in your posts! The flowers are fabulous.

    1. Dear Theresa, Have you noticed that color is creeping back into interiors? But it would be nice to have both. and why not? Thank you for stopping by. ox, Gina

  4. Beautiful like a painting Gina!Thank you!

    1. Dear Olympia, Thank you for your lovely compliment. I always look forward to your visits.

  5. Bonjour,

    Quel bouquet extraordinaire... Des couleurs pétillantes comme celles de vos oeuvres.
    Je vous fais de gros bisous ♡

  6. Bonjour Martinealison, I am so pleased that you like my bouquet. Tulips have such wonderful colors. You only need a few to make a big splash. Thank you for your visit.
    Gros Bisous, Gina

  7. Dear Gina,
    Your beautiful bouquet of tulips is surely a sign of the arrival of spring and with it the joys of renewal for your splendid garden.Wishing you much fun with your hands in the soil, putting out seeds and planting seedlings that have been patiently waiting in your greenhouse.
    Greetings from a lovely cool garden, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Spring has finally come to my garden. It's not quite as far along as yours but it will catch up as it does every year. I must hurry and get in all of my seeds if I want buckets and buckets of flowers. Some of my vegetables have sprouted that I seeded a few weeks ago. This is my favorite time of the year. Thank you for your visit. It is so appreciated.

  8. Dearest Gina, so happy to hear Spring has come to stay - well until Summer - in beautiful Utah.
    These are gorgeous tulips- I loved them mixed with for-get-me-nots!

    This morning I picked New Dawn roses, for my bouquet of the day - storms heading our way so I know many of the flowers will be damaged outside.

    Happy day, and hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I can just see your bouquet of Dawn Roses. What luxury to be able to pick a big bouquet of them. It will be quite a while before mine will bloom. Your garden is looking very beautiful and how wonderful that so many little critters love to make their home in your garden. ox, Gina

  9. Dear Gina, Your tulips are spectacular! For me, they are the quintessential spring flower. It's already in the 80s here, and my air conditioner is humming away . . .

  10. Dear Mark, Can you grow tulips in your area? I know that some gardeners "condition" Spring bulbs by placing them in the refrigerators for 6 weeks. I'm crazy enough to go to such extremes but luckily I don't have to in this climate. 80s sounds wonderful to me.

  11. Gina ~ You are such a true artist! It is always a pleasure to se your latest post. You have such talent.

    1. Thank you Janet. How nice of you to come by fora visit. It is obvious that we both like color and especially color in flowers.
