Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Priorities and a challenge.

What is more important?

The flower or the door?

I noticed the seedling early in the Spring but I didn't have the heart to pull it out.  

Besides,  I was hoping that it would be the elusive peach colored hollyhock which has disappeared from my garden.

I decided that one door is not so important when there are 5 other doors in and out of our Barn.

There are 4 side doors and 2 very large barn doors.
Hand built by Mr G. before the barn was begun.  

 Now here was the challenge. 

The width of the gray trim around each door and each window is different. 

However, on the facade I wanted the space for the yellow stucco to be the same between all of the doors and all of the windows. 

How would you have measured the placement of each door and each window?

Our (substitute) builder couldn't figure it out. 

3 years of drafting school in East Germany came in handy when I took my completed drawings to the County Engineer's office. 

May all your riddles be easy challenges.  



  1. To me everything looks beautiful. I would not change a thing. Blessings, Catherine

    1. Thank you Catherine and thank you for your visit. Blessings to you and yours.

  2. Challenges are exciting! I like to keep "those little grey cells" (as Poirot would say!) multiplying. Since I never attended drafting school either here in the U.S.A. or in East Germany your predicament would have kept me busy for quite a while, I'm guessing. What you and Mr. G have accomplished with your property is truly breathtaking and obviously from your many posts it has not all been as easy as one may assume from merely admiring from afar. The various trims do not appear to each be different in width. And those barn doors are splendid - especially now that you have shared with us their provenance! Congratulations to Mr. G's excellent workmanship.

    Mary in Oregon

  3. I love these flowers! They reminde me Polish country, and my grandmother house. I live in Greece now and I will try to find them to have them in my place.
    Your fotos are beautiful- Agni

    1. Hello Agni, I would think that Hollyhocks would do well in Greece. All they need is lots of deep watering and they will bloom prolifically. Wish I could send you some of my seeds.

  4. Bonsoir,

    J'adore les roses trémières... Il aurait été vraiment dommage de les retirer, vous avez bien réagi.
    Vos photos sont fantastiques.
    Vous avez une très jolie maison, gardée par de belles fleurs !

    ☼ Je vous souhaite un bel été ☼
    Gros bisous ♡

    1. Bonjour Martinealison, I am so glad that you agree, the flower is much more important than the door. You say that you also like Hollyhocks. I am not surprised, they are a most beautiful flower. Wishing you a wonderful Summer, as well.
      Gros bisous, Gina

  5. Dear Gina,

    I'm guessing you added up the widths of each opening, including their frames, subtracted that total from the total length of the side of the building, and then divided by eight. Am I right, or is there a more clever way to do it?

    1. Dear Mark, You are probably right but I can't tell. It sounds easy enough but my brain can not picture it that way.

      The large barn door was centered in the building. Then the side doors were centered within that space. It was the placement of the windows that had to be adjusted. I couldn't place them in the center between barn door and side door because the barn trim is 8 inches wide and the door and window trims are 6 inches wide. So, I had to allow for the extra 2 inches on the side next to the barn door to get the yellow stucco to be the same width all along the facade of the barn.

    2. My way of figuring it wouldn't necessarily have centered the barn door, though it might have looked centered to the naked eye.

  6. It's all beautiful!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

    1. Hello Susan, thank you for visiting and leaving such a lovely comment. It is so appreciated. have a wonderful weekend.

  7. You made the right choice - always go for the flowers!! Your photos are gorgeous and I'm delighted to have stumbled upon your blog because I'm obsessed with Italian ceramics ever since a trip to Amalfi 2 years ago. How delighted I am that Dolce and Gabbana's current line celebrate the pottery style. I just bought a scarf from the collection which reminds me of my trip there every time I see it. Will have to tour the rest of your blog and see what treasures you have in store for your readers... :-)

    (I do have a Tuscan tablecape in this Linky party. Hope you enjoy it.)


    1. Hello Lory, we have a lot in common. To begin with, we both love flowers and we both love everything about Italy. You will see a lot of both in my blog posts. We will be going to Tuscany in September and I will be painting in Montelupo. So please visit again. There will be many more photos of Italy and the French Riviera.

  8. What beautiful photos and your barn is gorgeous. So very lovely.

    1. Hello Cindy, Thank you so very much for stopping by. Thank you also for your lovely compliment.
