Friday, August 1, 2014

Don't peel the Beets

What's Summer without a Beet Salad? 

Instead of round beets grow cylindrical beets next year.  

They cook evenly and slice evenly and taste terrific. 

Bake them or boil them, but don't peel them. 
(Baking intensifies their flavor)

Also, leave the tops and roots intact, 
that way they won't bleed. 

When al dente let cool. While still warm twist beets in both directions.  Skin will come off in one piece.  

Season with coarse salt, add small amount of sugar and apple cider vinegar to taste. 
Chop medium sized onion and add to salad.

Have a lovely weekend my dear friends. 



  1. Dear Gina,

    You may have guessed that I am a non-cook, but I nonetheless continue to learn so much from you that I might find myself wearing an apron someday! It's good to see the bowl with your wreath and crown again — such a classy design.

    1. Dear Mark, It's the goodness in the food that you are missing. It's never too late. Put on that apron. You will be amazed how really easy it is if you stick to simple and wholesome ingredients. And besides, you will receive so many accolades that it will lift your spirits.
      You remembered my Tondino plate. I have sold quite a few to our area residents. Turns out that they are the exact size to fit into abandoned stove connections, way up high and close to the ceiling. You never know.
