Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Snow, the Artificer.

Adds an extra bit of sparkle to my walks.

Everything gets a dusting of pearls, white satin and crystals.  

Remember the Builders of the cairns from last Summer?


Built by 8 talented brothers and sisters of one family?

Now their masterpiece is hiding under the snow, 
waiting for Spring to come so that they can shine once more.  

Clouds are gathering, more snow is coming.  

Just in time to sparkle and shine for the New Year.  

Thank you my dear friends for your friendship. 



  1. Dear Gina - lovely snowy photos - snow always looks so magical when it first falls, a little bit of winter magic. Keep cosy and warm.

    1. Dear rRsemary, Thank you for your good wishes. Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year.

  2. Dear Gina,
    we just returned from a Museum visit which did not allow for much of the Impressionists' art to be enjoyed .Masses of people stood in front of each painting, an audio guide pressed to their ears. All was not lost as we had a delicious lunch at a Seafood Restaurant called 'Waters'. Things are improving even more as I turn to your serene landscapes.The last picture could have easily been chosen by Monet for one of his winter landscapes.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Hope that your Impressionist Art showing will still be there in the New Year. Maybe then you can visit again and enjoy the exhibition.
      We have a lot of old barns in our little town. The Danes and Swedes built them more than a hundred years ago.

  3. Dear Gina,
    Wishing you all the best for 2015..
    The snow there looks so pure and white.. super photos
    Thank you for your friendship..
    Val xxxx

    1. Dear Val, Thank you Val for your friendship. I always enjoy coming to your blog. I know that I will find lovely pictures and always a wonderful story to go along with them.
      Happy New Year to you and yours.

  4. Dear Gina,

    That last photograph is amazing, and no one could mistake that sky for anything other than a winter one. It reminds me of a couple of beutiful lithographed cards I have in my collection of Victorian advertising.

  5. Dear Mark, Sometimes on my walks there is nothing but beauty all around. The snow covers a multitude of sins. The skies looked like they were going to empty themselves of all the snow within them. It was wonderful to walk through the clouds.
    It reminded me of a Fellini movie "Amacord" (sp) where grandfather walks out of his house and gets lost in the fog. He had not experienced fog in all of his 80 plus years. He keeps repeating in Italian "What is this"?

  6. "I want snow", says she stamping her foot! Just a little would be nice - especially after today when our newlyweds head south to embark on their honeymoon cruise - so they won't be detained by planes stuck on the ground etc.

    Your countryside is amazing always but now with the snow softening the rock cairns (loved what those neighbor children built) and showing the sheep traversing the farmland, it's winter beauty comes through. That pic of the sheep - righthand corner in your collage - is beautiful Gina.

    Love, Mary (where it's going to reach 72F today - sun is shining - then temps will drop tonight again).

    1. Dear Mary, Isn't it wonderful how snow covers a multitude of sins. If it's going to be winter and if it's going to be below zero than I want a blanket of snow covering everything up.
      I do feel sorry for people who want to visit with their loved ones during the holidays and they are delayed by fierce storms. Hope your newlyweds made it to their destination.
