Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Where is the snow?

Snow from another December.

But not this year.

When are these guys going South?

Landed just five minutes ago. 

Do they know something we don't ?

Have a great remainder of the week my dear friends.



  1. In Europe we also have no snow.


    1. Hello Filip, Maybe we will get some snow in January. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Dear Gina - you are so clever with the falling snow effect - do you think the Geese are sitting pretty knowing that they will safe over the Christmas period?

    1. Dear Rosemary, Our Geese are pretty clever. They stay close to our house and fields. Hunters have shot at them but they realize that they must not get too close to our property.
      Google did the snow effect for me. It just showed up one day.

    2. How lovely Gina - I saw another blog with flashing christmas tree lights and she said the same thing.

  3. I so enjoy your fantastic pictures...not sure where you are located, but I am guessing those geese are there to stay...
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Hello Marigene, We live in Utah and our Canadian Geese leave us every year. So, sooner or later they are going to have to fly south. I don't know where they go.
      Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas.

  4. Dear Gina, the winter scene with the falling snow is great. I can not believe the geese are still hanging around your pond when they should be further south by now. At the same time it is not likely that they will find a more picturesque spot. The mountains in your 3rd picture remind me of Georgia O' Keeffe's paintings from Arizona. Wonderful !!!
    Greetings from Texas, where we have no snow either, Sieglinde

    1. The paintings by O'Keeffe are from New Mexico, of course..............

    2. Dear Sieglinde, The flock of Canadian Geese is getting larger and larger. The word is out. They're safe here as are the wild ducks. They all know that a part of our pond always stays open, even when all other bodies of water around here freeze solid. This is a very unusual year. I keep waiting for the winter to get cold and wet and I would love a few feet of snow for Christmas.

  5. Dear Gina,

    I'm glad your ducks are sitting on that cold water and not me! I really like the clever snowfall on your first image. I'm going to revisit it on Christmas morning!

    1. Dear Mark, Maybe we will have some real snow for Christmas. We have built shelters for our resident ducks and geese but they prefer swimming in the cold water or standing and sleeping on the ice.

  6. Dear Gina,
    I might be wrong- but if I remember correctly your pond was frozen this time last year.!!
    The weather all over is changing.
    Maybe the ducks are happy there with the sunshine ..
    Beautiful photos Gina..
    wishing you a happy week.
    val xxx

    1. Dear Val, You are correct. Our pond was frozen solid last year. Just a little open water by the source of our spring where the temperature is a constant 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
      I see that you still have flowers and trees blooming. Everything looks so nice and green at your place. I am so jealous.
