Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winter Blues

Thank goodness for my simple little greenhouse

It helps me get over the winter blues.

My greenhouse is not heated so it doesn't hold many varieties. 

 My geraniums love it.  

Some of my geraniums are more than 20 years old and I have taken many cuttings from favorites. 

Pasha sleeps in the greenhouse.  
Often, in January and February we turn on a little space heater for him.  

A trip to the florist always brightens the day. 

My blogging friend Rosemary will laugh at me.  
Rosemary has Hellebore blooming in her January garden. 

I dug into the frozen ground to transplant one for the house.  
It will grow and bloom long before those which are growing in my garden. 

But soon, very soon, we will sail to balmier climates where we will enjoy the warm ocean breezes.  



  1. I's always a joy to look at your wonderful pictures Gina. I wonder if some of your creations could be delivered in Europe...the ceramic dinnerware is fanatstic!

    1. Dear Olympia, I would love to send you some of my hand painted ceramics. The problem is the weight. Often, the shipping charges are more than the product. I am so pleased that you like them.

  2. Your geraniums are gorgeous, Gina...they are such an under-appreciated plant. Pasha is beautiful with those sapphire eyes.
    Have a wonderful rest of the week.

    1. Hello Marigene, I suppose it's because geraniums are so easy to take care of that they are under-appreciated. The longer they have been around the better I like them. Pasha is fairly new in our household but I think that he wants to stay and he is welcome.

  3. Dear Gina,
    your greenhouse does not seem so little to me and what beautiful colors it holds inside. Great to see this time of year. Flowers always help to lift up my spirit at any season.
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I have noticed that you always have fresh flowers in your house. It's a small luxury which pays back hundredfold. My greenhouse is exactly what I need.... it even provides a bouquet or two during our winter months when everything is under several feet of frozen ground.

  4. Dear Gina,

    The geraniums always make me think of my father since he was an avid gardener, and they were one of his favorite flowers. It sounds as though you may be going on a cruise — have a lovely trip!

    1. Dear Mark, Geraniums are an easy flower to like. No wonder that they were your Father's favorite flowers. Yes, a cruise it is in a couple of weeks.

  5. It is dreary, wet and cold here today. Your blog is always so colorful and cheery! Thank you for brightening my day as well.

    1. Dear Theresa, The first thing my eyes see is color. No matter if it is inside or outside. You and I have been playing around with paints for a while, no wonder that our moods are affected by color.
      Thank you for stopping by, it's great to see you here. ox, Gina

  6. I want that adorable blue-eyed Pasha for my very own - or at least a kitty who looks just like him, such a handsome boy! He knows which cushion to snuggle up to, a perfect match for his eyes!
    Your geraniums are magnificent - how great to be able to over-Winter them in a greenhouse. I always have to feed mine to the compost heap - they don't survive outside of course through the cold months. Come late Spring I always head to the annual 'geranium sale' at our NC State Fairgrounds area - part of the sale proceeds support local citizens who have brain injuries or diseases. I like to think of beautiful blooms helping needy people.

    Lovely colorful post - I just knew it would be waiting for me and all your fans!!!
    Warm hugs - Mary

    1. Our little Pasha was given to us when he was a youngster. He had to be rescued from the top of an old tree. He was a skinny little boy then. He has made up for it by always looking for another meal. I think that he now needs to go on a diet.

      What a wonderful story. How nice of you to support your local citizens group. What a worthy cause and to have beautiful geraniums to enjoy all summer makes it even more special.

  7. Gina, oh to have a greenhouse for beautiful blooms in the winter.
    Have a wonderful sailing adventure!

    The Arts by Karena

    1. Dear Karena, I am so lucky in that I have this little greenhouse. The first thing I do, when I come in from my cold walks, is to head for the sunny and warm greenhouse.
