Monday, June 8, 2015

Daisies growing everywhere

Daisies simple and charming.

growing in my Garden.

Growing under the clouds.

Enough to fill many buckets. 

By the lake.

Beneath the trees

growing just around the corner.

Down the lane and to our house.

By the vegetable garden.

So many everywhere. 

Thank you for stopping by. 

Have a wonderful week dear friends.



  1. I would never get tired of seeing those lovely daisies Gina. What a sight. So beautiful.
    Your farm, looks super through all the seasons. You certainly have lots to put in vases.
    xxx val

    1. Dear Val, I am so happy to hear that your health is improving. This is the time of year that I know you enjoy so much...your new foals are beautiful and so are your fabulous roses. I know that you enjoy them all.

  2. I'm trying so hard to grow daisies Gina because I just love them so much. Your description "simple and charming" are so true. I've planted a clump in front of the hollyhocks and another at the side garden - they seem to be growing a bit but are NOTHING like your amazing gigantic swathes which, I'm thinking, must self-seed! Even if nothing else grew in my garden I would be totally happy with just daisies all Summer long - so fresh and clean and they remind me of my childhood in the Devon fields. Actually a lot seems to be reminding me of childhood lately - hope that's not a bad thing - perhaps it's because I'm heading home on Friday!

    Thanks for stopping by - glad you are enjoying my pix of our stops in those lovely German towns - I was quite amazed at the beauty of the countryside and the cleanliness of the fairytale-like villages and towns.

    Hugs, and happy Summer days my dear.
    Mary X

    1. Dear Mary, Nothing could be easier than growing masses of daisies. The secret is to toss the entire head into places where you would like for them to grow. Wait until the seed heads have ripened and collect them to spread in late Fall.
      As soon as mine have finished blooming I will send you a whole bunch.
      I am so pleased that you enjoyed your float trip down the Danube. Your photographs were sensational. Have a wonderful time while back home in England. We hope to see a few photos.

  3. Gina, I always think of daisies as happy flowers, and just seeing these photos of the abundance of daisies around your place has made me smile. Many thanks! xo

    1. Dear Frances, I know that you like flowers as much as I do. Your wonderful photographs of Central Park have given me many new ideas. I'm looking forward to the next instalment.

  4. Dear Gina - simply lovely - the swathes of daisies that surround your property are gorgeous.
    I always think of this little poem when the daisies are around:-
    See, the grass is full of stars,
    Fallen in their brightness;
    Hearts they have of shining gold,
    Rays of shining whiteness.

    1. Dear Rosemary, What a charming little poem. It describes the sweet little daisy so perfectly. Whoever wrote it loved and knew the simple daisy well. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely remainder of the week.

  5. I love seeing so many daisies all in one place...beautiful!

    1. Hello Marigene, Thank you for stopping by. Growing daisies en masse is very easy. Unlike other plants, which like to take over an entire garden, daisies have always been welcome in my garden.

  6. Daisies just simply say SUMMER to me! Beautiful, Gina! Your views are to die for!!!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary, We have had a lot of rain which is so unusual in our high desert. It has made everything lush and green...and beautiful. Thank you for your visit. It is always so appreciated.

  7. Dear Gina,
    as always the landscape around you is a pleasure to see. The Daisies and those puffy clouds add so much to the picture. The Daisy is the first flower my husband gave to me. If he walked in your garden he would, undoubtedly,have to pick a few of these simple beauties.
    Happy and sunny greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, What a charming story! If Mr B walked in my garden he could have bucket loads of daisies to give to you. But none would be as precious as the very first he gave to you on what must have been a very, very special day.

  8. All absolutely beautiful photos. It is very pretty where you live.

    1. Hello Janet and welcome. I am so pleased to see you here again. Thank you for your sweet compliment. It is so appreciated.

  9. Your daisies are beautiful, Gina. It would appear that you are the Johnny Appleseed of daisies!

  10. Dear Mark, It doesn't take much to grow a patch of daisies. No talent required. I do have to watch Mr G and his Italian cutting machine.

  11. I remember gathering huge numbers of daisies at my grandfather's farm sure that the long time widower would just love the beauty they brought to his home. Whether or not he did he always seemed appreciative and I had a fun day doing nothing but enjoying nature. I would love to have beautiful farm gardens like yours.

    1. Hi Lisa, Your Grandfather must have been so happy to have so many daisies brought into his house. Nothing like flowers to make one appreciate nature. Thank you so much for your visit.

  12. Your photos are gorgeous, Gina! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  13. Thank you Linda and thank you also for your very nice compliment.

  14. Your photos are fantastic. The flowers and the light falling on them are beautifully shinning!!

    1. Thank you for visiting Tomoko. I am so pleased that you like my photos.

  15. Hello, gorgeous scenery and lovely flowers. The daisies are one of my favorite flowers, lovely images. Happy Monday, have a great week ahead!

    1. Dear Eileen, What's not to love about the simple little daisy. They always look so fresh and happy. Wishing you a great week as well.

  16. How bright and cheery are your daisies, what a sight to behold.
    Happy MM.

    1. Hello Maggie, I always look forward to seeing my daisies bloom. It sort of signals the end of spring and now I want time to slow down a bit so that I can enjoy every new flower that will be blooming in my garden. Thank you for your visit.

  17. Love the daisies and the flower mosaic you created is a work of art!

    1. Hello Sallie. Mosaics are so much fun to create and so easy with a program like only takes a few minutes. How nice of you to stop by and leave such a lovely comment.

  18. Wow! Gina, I love daisies. I think they are such a happy flower. They make me smile. Gorgeous!!! Happy Monday!

    1. Hello Snap, You have made my day. I am so pleased that you also love daisies. Have a wonderful week and thank you for your visit.

  19. It's as though the countryside has been painted with daisies. (so pretty in your bucket too) They are the town flower where I live and I enjoy seeing them nodding their little faces in the fields.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Gina.

    1. Dear Judith, Thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday. I would love to see some of your "town flower" photographs. What a wonderful choice for a city. Our daisies have spilled over and into the Alfalfa fields. Hope the cows don't mind them in their feed come winter.

  20. Daisies are such a happy flower in a vase, in a garden and in my meadow....

    1. Hello Donna, You are right, daisies look especially nice in a meadow. It reminds me of the wheat fields of Europe where daisies grow next to red poppies and blue cornflowers.

  21. Replies
    1. Hello Leila, Thank you so much for your visit and thank you also for leaving a comment. Have a wonderful remainder of the week.

  22. The daisies are delightful. I love the way they nod their heads in the breeze and look so cheerful all the time.

    1. Hello Lorrie, I can see them, nodding their heads in the breeze. Daisies never seem to be affected by the weather, not even a heavy Summer downpouring. That is only one of the many reason why I like them so much.

  23. Oh how magnificent this is, I cannot imagine such beauty all in one place. Brilliant, gorgeous colour and I can only imagine walking the pathway that you take to see these daily~

    1. Dear Mary, Growing daisies is just about the easiest kind of gardening one can do. You have to be sure, however, that you like them in your surroundings because they love to spread like wildfire once they have established themselves.
      Thank you for your visit. I am always so pleased to see you here.
