Tuesday, August 25, 2015

We are lucky this year.

Even though the apricot blossoms froze early this Spring, we have, for the first time in many years,  peaches, beautiful peaches. 

We had no fruit last year.  Not even apples, pears or plums.  Everything froze. 

We had grapes.  But a horde of flies came by and in two days sucked every bit of juice out of every grape.  

This year is different.

Even my old roses made it through the cold winter and my Sweet Peas have never looked better.

And peaches, Early Albertas appeared on the trees as if by magic. 

We will have Asian Pears and Apples and Plums and hardy winter Pears.  

The kitchen garden is overflowing.

And we will have grapes.  They are almost ripe and I don't see many flies.

We captured them, by the millions, lured into a terrible smelling trap.  

Have a great remainder of the week. 


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Do you know the other Grand Canyon?

Utah's Little Grand Canyon 

Only 1 and 1/2 hours from our house, in south central Utah, you will find a most glorious spot. 

Also known as "The Wedge" Utah's Little Grand Canyon is located in Emery County, Utah.

From the Wedge outlook point you can see the deepest part of the San Rafael River Canyon.

As an added bonus and still in the San Rafael Swell area, take a side road to the Buckhorn Wash Rock Art Panel. 

A well maintained dirt road will guide you through towering Sandstone rock formations.

 The road will become more winding and narrow, you can almost feel the presence of mysterious and ancient peoples. 

Somehow these simple flowers (Fireweed) look right at home. 

And around another bend and you will discover

 The Buckhorn Wash Rock Art Panel.

Painted on freshly exposed Sandstone with powdered hematite mixed with animal fat, preserving them for thousands of years. 

A Pictograph panel which spans 130 feet.  
It was painted well over 2,000 years ago.  

 It was painted by Native Americans named by Anthropologists as the  "Barrier Canyon Culture".

And when you go there, watch the sky.  Those innocent looking and white puffy clouds can turn into dark and threatening clouds. 

The next thing you know there is a torrent of water sweeping you away.  

Have a great week, dear friends. 


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mon Bouquet du Jour

Sweet Peas

Antique Sweet Peas still have that heavenly perfume. 

Their long stems reaching for the sky. 

Almost black.

Still my favorite "Molly Rilestone". 

All along the chicken coop fence.

Happy Sunday to you dear friends. 


Friday, August 7, 2015

Sunflowers on Parade

So many pretty faces

All growing in a row in my garden.

Save the seeds.

The birds will try to beat you to them.

They grow true to variety from seed.

They make great cut flowers. 

Even just one flower makes a statement. 

 Almost black.

You will find at least one bee in every sunflower.

Turning their faces toward the sun.

Almost fooled you? It's a squash blossom which is climbing up on a sunflower stalk.

Early in the morning you will find bees asleep inside the flower.

Have a great weekend dear friends. 

I'm still waiting for the Italian Whites to bloom. 


Monday, August 3, 2015

The Party is over.

The people came from far and wide.

Several of my ceramic pieces have new homes. 
Why is it so difficult to part with them? 

That was two days ago.  

Today it is raining.  What do you do when it rains all day? 

Why, make Pesto of course. 

This time I chopped it all by hand, including the roasted pine nuts.

Then added a little lemon juice and olive oil.  But no garlic.  Not this time...maybe next time.  There is still lots of basil growing in the garden. 

Wrapped up and into the freezer for winter meals. 
It will bring Summer right back into the kitchen.

   You ask if there is a recipe?  Not really.  Only a few ingredients required.  Fresh Basil leaves, fresh lemon juice to taste, sea salt to taste, roasted pine nuts so you can see them and a good olive oil to hold it all together.  

Have a great week dear friends. 
