Friday, August 7, 2015

Sunflowers on Parade

So many pretty faces

All growing in a row in my garden.

Save the seeds.

The birds will try to beat you to them.

They grow true to variety from seed.

They make great cut flowers. 

Even just one flower makes a statement. 

 Almost black.

You will find at least one bee in every sunflower.

Turning their faces toward the sun.

Almost fooled you? It's a squash blossom which is climbing up on a sunflower stalk.

Early in the morning you will find bees asleep inside the flower.

Have a great weekend dear friends. 

I'm still waiting for the Italian Whites to bloom. 



  1. Gina, these are so beautiful - I so love all sunflowers, but am especially enjoying the bi-color darker ones for a change from all yellow.
    I'm not having any luck with my flowers this Summer, weather conditions not conducive to seeds germinating or blooms bursting forth! All that's giving are the figs - wish I could give you some fresh ones along with the jam - I've made such a lot again!

    Happy weekend surrounded by fields of gold!
    Love, Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I am so sorry that your hard work is not working out this year. I have noticed that many of my flowers are not doing well either. Sunflowers are not particular but need lots of room. We have had cool nights and warm days and rain just when we needed it. However, my flowers are just so so but my vegetables are taking over.
      Wish I could send you a bouquet of sunflowers to brighten your day.

  2. Oh, oh, oh! I just love sunny sunflowers! I have deer, but next year I may have to try sunflowers - and keep alert to scare off the deer!
    We so need to provide food and havens for bees. When I grew them in both Wisconsin and Illinois I never noticed the bees!
    Your flowers are so inspiring, Gina! Thank you!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary, I will save sunflower seeds from the best of the best for you next year. Deer have not bothered my sunflower seedlings. I was worried that the ducks and geese would pull them out when they were first out of the ground. For some reason they left them alone, So there is hope for you next year. Give them a try...they are so rewarding.

    2. Wundebar, Gina!!! I never recalled you writing about deer invading your gardens, so I was hoping! The ducks and geese are all over Eugene - but not up here on this hill! I am already anticipating sunflowers next year. I downloaded a 1/4 close-up of a sunflower that has been my screensaver right after your posting!

      Mary in Oregon

    3. Mary, I will save the best of the best for your 2016 garden.

  3. Dear Gina,
    you captured the pretty design of the interior of the sunflower beautifully. I think seeing Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings of flowers taught me to look inside them more closely. Great photo with the sky in the background.
    Happy greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      Looking into the centers of even little insignificant flowers is always a surprise. Most often they are so complicated but we don't see that because the outer petals are usually more showy.
      We have had the most beautiful weather...low 50s at night and in the low 80s during the day.
      Thank you for your visit.

  4. Dear Gina, I am charmed by the notion of a bee falling asleep inside a sunflower. There's a good poem or song there somewhere. Could it be that they are overwhelmed as they work, or could it be that the sunflower is the best accomodation to be had at the end of a hard day?

    1. Dear Mark, Great idea, a song. Even though the bees are busy all day most of them make it home before nightfall. You may be right, the bee was so involved that it wanted to stay. I find them most often, early in the morning, when it is still cool. Even if disturbed they will not move. They are happy to wait for the sun to come up.
      Reminds me of seeing millions of butterflies coming to life in a forest in Mexico,

  5. Gina, your sunflowers have a marvelous supporter in you. These photographs are sublime...really sing of summer. Like Mark,I love the notion of a bee spending the night in the shelter of a sunflower. It's the stuff that dreams are made of. xo

    1. Dear Frances, I am so pleased that you like my Sunflower photographs. They certainly are easy subjects to photograph and finding a bee asleep inside a Sunflower is always a wonderful surprise.

  6. Hello, I just love your gorgeous sunflowers! Awesome photos! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. Hello Eileen, Sunflowers are such happy flowers. Thank you for your lovely compliment.

  7. I adore sunflowers. Such a happy flower and color. Gorgeous photos. Happy Monday!

    1. Hello Snap, thank you for your visit and thank you also for leaving such a nice message.

  8. Oh my what a stunning parade of sunflowers - they are my favorites and this post made me smile!

    1. Hello Jackie and Joel, Sunflowers have that affect...they make one glad my sunflowers made you smile.

  9. We are both swooning over sunflowers this week...quite a variety there! Many of mine are volunteers from last year's plants!

    1. Hello Donna, It's a special present when nature surprises us with a volunteer. Often they are just as beautiful as those planted from fresh seeds.

  10. Gina, you're spreading happiness around with all these gorgeous sunflowers. You're right, most often when I put my photos of them on the computer there's a bee in the frame somewhere. :-)
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

    1. Hello Judith, I'm so happy that you have made the same discovery. Bees need all the help they can get and I am always so glad to see them in my garden.

  11. When I left France at the beginning of July the sunflowers were just starting to come out!
    Your photos are amazing Gina, bringing both Summer and France to me on a bleak cold winter's day - thank you!

    1. Hello Shane and welcome. So sorry that winter is looking at you. I love the different seasons but winter does not sound good to me right now. I know it will come but we have a few more months to enjoy our gardens.

  12. Oh Gina, how marvelous and they are all equally glorious, just love how they made me smile so early of the morning. I so enjoy stopping by and making my visit with you as often as I can. Always a pleasure. Have a wonderful weekend ahead my friend~

    1. Dear Mary, I am always so pleased to hear from you. Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I always enjoy visiting your blog. My favorite subjects are flowers, as you might have guessed. You take such wonderful photographs of flowers and birds. They always lift my spirits.
