Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A very special place

Every now and then, in your travels, you will find a special place.

The "Borgo Il Melone" Country Inn, Cortona, Italy, is such a place.

You will find it in the valley just below Cortona.
The Cortona of "Under the Tuscan Sun" fame.  

When visiting the area it is best to find a quiet place nearby.  

If you just have to see "Bramasole" then the Borgo Il Melone Country Inn is the perfect place from which to begin your journey.

Cortona has changed.  Disappeared has the little shop in the corner of the square where every little item within, was the best of what this world has to offer.  

But the gelato is better than ever.  

We were given a house all to ourselves even though we had only reserved a large room.  

"Our Villa" was located near a fruit orchard, where the rain during the night had broken several branches of the heavily laden persimmon tree. 

And a final decision has been made.  I had to go back to Italy to, and once and for all, decide which Italian grape, is superior in taste.  Is it the Muskat or is it the Regina grape.  

My name sake won out, hands down. 

Have a great remainder of the week dear friends.

Gina (Regina) 


  1. Tuscany is one of those blessings places of what this world has to offer! I know the region and I consider Italy as my second country.
    Enjoy your stay!

    1. Dear Olympia, Italy is special. No wonder so many people love to visit and I am one of them. Thank you for your comment. It is very much appreciated.

  2. Dear Gina - We used to travel to Italy every year, but I haven't been back now for three years - having seen this beautiful post it has reminded me of all the loveliness that I have missed. I must try and return again soon. Delighted that you had such a lovely stay and in a beautiful location.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Whenever the decision is made of where to go on our vacation it is always Italy that wins out. We have already made reservations for next September. Only this time we will stay longer in one place rather than moving about every other day or so.
      I love everything about Italy and, of course, the hand painted ceramics are a major reason for visiting again and again.

  3. When I see your lovely photos of Italy I want to go there again. We have not been visiting 'Bramasole' of 'Under the Tuscan Sun' but read the book. In Tuscany we stayed several times in Agriturismos, bed & breakfast on a farm, mostly olive orchards, loved it.

    1. Hello Janneke, Cortona has changed and if you don't mind large crowds, then it is still a lovely place to visit. Agriturismos are wonderful places to visit especially for families. We always look for country inns that are outside of the crowded cities.

  4. Bonsoir chère amie,

    Comment résister à la tentation d'aller en Toscane ?... Vos photos sont de véritables tentatrices !
    Merci pour ce magnifique billet.

    Gros bisous ☾

  5. Bonjour Martinealison, I am so pleased that my photos have tempted you to consider a visit to Italy. Italy is hard to resist. It is always my first choice.
    Thank you for stopping by...it is so appreciated.

  6. Gina, those tall skinny conical trees always signal Italy to my eyes. What gorgeous surroundings you found for your recent holiday!

    Here's a little coincidence. Frances Mayes and I attended the same college, although not at the same time. I once met her during one of her book tours and gave her one of my little watercolor paintings. She took it back to Bramasole, where it continued to hang while she still lived there. Eventually, our correspondence sort of drifted off, so I don't know if the painting returned with FM to the States.

    It's grand that you've already made reservations for next September, and that you've planned a longer stay. xo

    1. Dear Frances, It is so true. Those skinny conical trees always spell Italy to me as well. How interesting that you corresponded with FM. There has recently been conversation, in a popular blog, about FM still living in Bramasole. I thought that she had sold it. Your comment sounds like FM is back in the USA for good. I know that she bought another house and restored it. However, I think that she never intended to live in it.

  7. Dear Gina,
    A visit to Tuscany seems so easy once one has crossed the Atlantic, and yet, I have never been there. So it is that I enjoy your post all the more and can now start dreaming of visiting this lovely and inviting region. Does the delectable fruit basket hold the Regina grape?
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      One of these days, when you are visiting your house on the other side, maybe you can take a side trip. Italy is just a hop and a skip from your town. And when you go I have a new place you must visit. It is right up your alley. I will tell you all about it.
      Yes, those are Regina grapes. Muskat grapes are larger and at first site appear to be more luscious and tasty. But not so.

  8. beautiful pictures! And by the way, the Gelato looks quite tempting!!

    1. Thank you for visiting. Wish I had some more of that fabulous gelato.

  9. Absolutely beautiful. I can see why so many people fall in love with Tuscany.

    1. Hello Joyful, How nice of you to come by for a visit and thank you so much for your comment. Tuscany is very special and so is all of Italy.

  10. Very definitely a special place. Excellent photographs!

    1. Hello Parts and Pics. I am so pleased that you like my photographs. I am so impressed with your photography that I have become one of your followers. Thank you for your visit and comment.

  11. Gorgeous impressions !! Great founds, indeed !!

    1. Hello Isabella, Vielen dank für deinen besuch. And thank you also for your very nice compliment.
