Thursday, October 22, 2015

Zell. the picture perfect Mosel Valley town.

The picturesque Mosel River is one of the Rhine River tributaries.

You will find many historic sites along the way, you can even drive right through an old castle near Zell.

One of the nicest places to stay is in the small town of Zell where you will find the lovely
"Hotel Schloss Zell".

We were given an unsolicited upgrade. 

In fact, while traveling throughout Europe this time (and we have been there more than forty times) in all cases we were given "the best room in the house" and at no additional cost. 

 I am so glad that when they renovated this old Schloss that they left these beautiful ceilings intact.  

Lovely sites at every turn. 

An abundant breakfast was served in lovely surroundings. 

These hand made, from fine fabrics, bride bouquets always make me sad.  I want to know the rest of the story.  Who is the bride who wore this bouquet more than a hundred years ago? 

More wonderful windows.  I may have to paint these charming characters.  

It rained the day we left.  We will visit again.

Have a great week dear friends.  
Thank you for your visit.  It is so appreciated.  



  1. Dear Gina,
    this looks like a charming place to stay at. The details of the ceiling in your room are splendid and so is the color of the curtains. Mr. G. looks marvelous and well pleased after a night at the castle. Great photos!
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Thank you Sieglinde. You know this area so well. The Hotel Schloss Zell was a real find. It is a place we will have to visit again. There is so much to see in this particular part of Germany. The wine hills on either side of the Moselle River were dressed in their Fall finery. Truly a beautiful area.

  2. Lovely photos. Thank you for the view into another, more beautiful world far from my desk overlooking the expressway. (smile).

    1. Hello Darlene, You can't go wrong visiting here and you better have your camera many opportunities for lovely photographs.

  3. Wow, you have been to Europe more than forty times? That is some serious traveling. My husband lived in Germany for three years long before we married and he doesn't seem to want to visit again. Which is sad for me because I have always wanted to visit. The hotel looks like it was a great place to vacation.

    1. Hello Stacy, I have a friend whose husband also does not wish to travel. So she travels with groups. The perfect answer for her. A good idea is to find a friend who also has the traveling bug. In our case it is always the reward at the end of the growing season. And because I love to paint in the Italian Renaissance style, a trip to Italy will always have to be included in our travel plans.

  4. What spectacular views in the room for Kings and Queens, surely it would be with such beauty. Your husband looks so kind~

    1. Dear Mary, Mr G smiled when I showed him what you said about him. But you are right. He is a very special man. He has always had the gift of being in the right place at the right time. He has saved several lives by being aware and knowing what is going on around him

  5. Well they couldn't do better than upgrade two lovely people who so appreciate art and beauty - so glad they did this for you and Mr.G. What a beautiful hotel - the ceilings are stunning and the stained glass windows so bright and pretty.

    Mr.G certainly looked cheerful by the riverside - love his 'man bag' and, as always, his choice of a charming hat. Now Gina dear, please share one of your beautiful travel outfits - I know you, like me, probably had fun dressing in cozy autumn knitwear etc. - always my favorite season for clothes. I bought a few items in France (everything was so fabulous in the shops), and one additional sweater in Barcelona as I was freezing on the top of the Hop On - Hop Off bus on the day of the city tour!! Would have purchased more but the suitcase said no way could it expand any further!

    Have a wonderful weekend - we came back to perfect weather here.
    Love, Mary

    1. Dear Mary, We stayed in 14 different hotels on this trip. In all countries (Austria, France, Germany and Italy) we were greeted the same. Always generous smiles and always an unsolicited upgrade.
      The "man bag" Mr G is wearing is actually a sweater vest, dark in the front and light in the back. When I first saw the picture I also thought that he was wearing a shoulder bag.
      One of these days I will get a few pictures together of the clothes I take. Seldom anything new but always the best I own. My roller bag never weighs more than 20 pounds. I also take a Le Sac for items I like to have on the plane with me. What I don't take are sneakers, umbrellas, raincoats, rain hats. When I travel with Mr G the sun always shines.

  6. Hello dear Gina,
    I am catching up again.
    I see you are in Germany. This looks like a lovely Hotel , offering true culture of the region.
    Super photos .. Mr. G looks happy.
    Always good to get away.
    Happy travels to you both.
    Val xxxx

    1. Dear Val, We are home now and trying to catch up with the rest of the harvest. It was great to get away. We saw many wonderful sights and had many lovely experiences.
      I see that you are getting lots of welcome rain. Your roses look so beautiful. Mine were eaten by a roaming herd of deer. But they will recover by next spring.

  7. I feel as if I should recognise the spot where Mr G is standing it looks so familiar to places seen when we travelled down the Mosel River. I can see those stained glass fun characters making a colourful appearance on some of your beautiful pots in the future.
    The old Schloss looks wonderful, such a special place to stay, and that ceiling is simply lovely.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Since I was very small I have always wanted to travel. Europe is such a cornucopia of special places. I never tire of planning and scheming another trip. I made reservations, for 14 different hotels, through and I made them months in advance. I do that so that I can look forward to the trip while working all Spring and Summer in our gardens.
      You may be right, you may have stood in the very same spot along the Moselle. Zell was such a lovely surprise. We may have to explore more of the area the next time around.
