Sunday, November 8, 2015

I just had to

bake some Biscotti.

We meant to stop by the  little Bakery in Tavarnelle Val di Pesa.

 We forgot and sailed right passed it.  

But I have the recipe and I will share it with you.  
(See below)


In large bowl mix all dry ingredients
8 cups of flour
4 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
3 cups of ground almond meal
3 tsp of finely grated lemon zest
1 tsp salt

In another bowl mix 4 cups of sugar with 
10 beaten eggs
2 sticks of melted and cooled unsalted butter
1 cup of skinned, roasted and crushed hazelnuts
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
mix all ingredients well and 
add into flour mixture

Mix well, should have cookie consistency.  
Can add a little milk or more lemon juice if it is too thick. 

butter 3 large cookie sheets. 

With wet hands form 5 to 6 logs,  bake at 350 for 
about 25 minutes or until logs are firm when  pressed in center.

Let cool and slice into 1/2 inch slices, stand upright on edge and 
bake again for about 20 minutes @ 350 degrees, or until lightly browned, 

Makes 4 to 5 dozen biscotti cookies. 

Do you know why this  cookie is called Biscotti? 

It is twice baked, that's why.  

Salpiglossis in my greenhouse.  

Have a great week dear friends.  



  1. Gina, seeing this post, with its biscotti recipe, has been a joy. I do love excellent biscotti, yet have never baked any myself, even if I knew the reason for their name.

    Maybe this year.

    We've had an unusually warm autumn, and so i"ve yet to switch on the oven in my little kitchen. Still contemplating baking and making stacks of recipe ideas. Thank you for this addition. xo

    1. Dear Frances, Biscotti make wonderful presents for your friends. For your chocolate lovers you can dip one (or two) ends of the Biscotti into melted chocolate. My Biscotti recipe lends itself to many variations. For instance, you can leave out the hazelnuts. Often I leave them out because they are so difficult to peel.
      Give them a try. They are delicious.

  2. Your biscotti looks better — and richer! — than anything I've seen in the store!

    1. Dear Mark, My Biscotti are lucky. Their recipe is made with lots of eggs from our free range chickens. Adding ground almond meal also helps. Let me know how yours turn out. Thank you for visiting. We miss you.

  3. Dear Gina,
    your Biscotti look delicious and I was looking for the button on your post which would let me smell the wonderful aroma.............if I were to bake some myself I would have to dip them in chocolate. Lovely presentation!
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Thank you Sieglinde. Wish there was such a button, but actually, thinking that one over, I would be so tempted to snack on too many goodies. Dipping biscotti into a good melted chocolate makes for a fine presentation and a lovely extra special gift and so delicious.

  4. I adore a crunchy biscotti with my afternoon tea but haven't made them myself for ages. Your recipe looks delicious Gina.

    1. Hello Judith, It's no wonder that Biscotti has taken our shores by storm. It is such a perfect little treat with a cup of tea in the afternoon.

  5. I enjoy Biscotti with my hot drinks and your recipe sounds great. I cannot get to your recipes so easy though as I cannot copy them to print and must write them out. I can do that, but I was wondering if there is a way to get some of your wonderful recipes any other way. Thank you Gina~

  6. Dear Mary, I'm sure that there is a way. I'm just not smart enough to figure it out. I can always e-mail the recipe. I will give that a try.
    thanks for asking.

  7. To Mary Cromer :- Hi Mary, can you not just go to FILE >PRINT then choose the page number (for me to print this recipe it's on page 3) and hit Print.
    I've just done it so now have Gina's great recipe ready to use once I get the required ingredients together!

    Gina dear - I must try these - I use to bake biscotti often but have become lazy - to just too busy perhaps! I would like to make these for the Holidays!
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. Mary in Oregon will be pleased to know how to print this recipe. And yes, I hope that you will bake a few of these very special Biscotti for the holidays.
