Saturday, December 26, 2015

The day after

It snowed all day

The only open water is by the spring.

Soon the snow will melt.

But before that, New Year's Eve will be celebrated with friends. 

Champagne is on ice.  



  1. Belated Greetings Gina! I see the ducks and geese have found their spot!
    Enjoy the bubbly on New Years!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary, Because I walked around the pond, most of the hundreds of geese and ducks flew away. Now they are all back. They were landing on top of each other because there is so little open water available. It was -16 degrees F (-26.67 C) yesterday morning.
      Happy New Year to you and yours. ox, Gina

  2. I keep coming back to look at the difference between the lovely photos Gina - but omitted leaving a comment, sorry!
    My excuse is I started reading back over the years of your blog posts - loving everything of course, especially your kitchen corner where you paint your splendid ceramic pieces - and somehow got carried away, even ended up looking for homes for sale in your area, LOL!!!! Not too many available, but plenty of land - when I confronted Bob with the idea of moving to a lovely quiet spot, building a little house etc. I think he was ready to send me packing, alone, haha!
    The town sounds so perfect, all those artisans and lovely farm people I'm sure - and I would love to be in a quieter area at this point
    in life!
    So you did have a 'white Christmas' and it looks so scenic everywhere - hope the winter weather doesn't turn too harsh later though. Still too warm here - pansies are blooming, so big and beautiful, Spring bulbs poking up taller each day which of course is not good because we'll get some very cold weather later I'm sure. Still haven't had a fire - much too hot - and that huge pile of wood is sitting under a tarpaulin waiting. We been running the a/c over the holidays - definitely unusual.

    Like you, our champagne is chilling ready for New Year's Eve. We will head into the city early for the First Night program - lots of music venues - and the parade etc., then home here to pop that cork!
    Have a wonderful time there - wonder what the new year will bring us all - good health and good times hopefully!
    Hugs to you and Gene.
    Best wishes from Bob and me for 2016 - we'll raise a glass to you.
    Mary xo

    1. Dear Mary, I think I have the answer. When I hear about pansies blooming and Spring bulbs poking up through the ground, then I want to move to your house for a couple of weeks. If you like blazing fires in the fireplaces, heated floors throughout the house and lots of snow and minus 16 degrees Fahrenheit, then you might want to come and take over this place. The Ford Jubilee tractor is ready for Bob to push mountains of snow around, not just at our house but also at all of the neighbors' driveways. You will have to feed the chickens, geese and ducks. And of course, there is sweet Lucy our dog and Pasha our cat who will ask for attention. Then our neighbor might come over to ask if you will take care of his miniature prize winning Hereford cattle. That means moving bales of hay around and chopping ice because their water troughs are frozen solid. Theatre, symphony orchestras and ballet performances are 2 hours away. But the "Old Geezers" meet once a month, at the local Cafe, to catch up on the news. However, Spring, Summers and Falls are spectacular. What do you think?
      We'll raise a glass or two to wish you a happy and healthy New Year. Love to you both. Gene and Gina

    2. . . . . . and I could bring all these hefty, beautiful sweaters I wished for, and received, haha!
      Bob would be useless on the tractor, believe me! BUT he would absolutely love joining in the conversations with Gene and the "Old Geezers" while you and I walk Lucy and cuddle Pasha.
      It does sound cold, but look at the sunshine - and don't forget, I still also have all those Antarctic clothes including the Canada Goose parka and fleece-lined wellies to keep my feet dry. I'm never going to be wearing them here any time soon, that's for sure.

      "Live life" - that's my new motto. Of course I realize I've been doing just that for some time - but I hope to do much more this coming year.
      Love and hugs oxoxoxo
