Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Orchids like a bath now and then.

My Phalaenopsis orchids go into the kitchen sink now and then.

Where I thoroughly rinse them, leaves and pots, and then let them stand in the sink to drain.

The problem with not being able to keep orchids blooming does not originate with you. Long before you take your orchid home, the dye has been cast.

From the Grower to the Seller many unkind things can happen to an orchid plant.  


Try to purchase your orchid when they first arrive in a place such as Costco. If you see buds that are discolored, do not buy. The orchid is already doomed.  

Orchids thrive when they are placed in a spot which receives a lot of light, away from direct heat (fireplace) and cold (drafty windows or doors). 

Once all of the blossoms have opened you can place your orchid  into the middle of the house where they receive less light but will bloom for another 4 to 5 months. 

Phalies come in many colors. 

Phalaenopsis orchids make long lasting cut flowers. 
"Harden" them in a glass of water and place in refrigerator overnight.  

My orchids bloom repeatedly.  As soon as they have finished blooming I place them in an out of the way place and into a very large ceramic cache pot.  An east facing window is preferred.  

 Make sure that they receive just enough moisture to survive.  

Be patient.  It will take about 6 to 8 months for them to rebloom.  


Phalies are at home in many environments, even a hospital room where they are a welcome gift.  

How can one resist? 

So, next time you see an orchid for sale, bring it home.  
You will forever be hooked on orchids.  

Have a wonderful week dear friends.



  1. Dear Gina,
    Beautiful photos of your amazing orchids! You have a way with flowers. I think where I might have gone wrong with mine is giving up on them when they did not bloom for a long period. Thank you for your much appreciated instructions.
    Sunny greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, If you can put your orchids out of sight while they are re-charging themselves, then it isn't such a long wait. You can encourage them a little by mixing orchid food into the water. However, they need a little rest in between blooming periods.

  2. Beautiful colours of Phalenopsis and such a brilliant photos. I also put my orchids now and then in the sink to rinse and drain them.

    1. Hello Janneke, You have discovered the secret.

  3. After all the buds have bloomed, do you cut the stalks down to the foliage? I have one this year and it still has buds. I never know what to do once it's finished booming

    1. Hi Bonnie, Mostly I cut them way down to just above the leaves. Sometimes, you might notice a thickening of one of the nodes along the stem. If so, then cut about 2 inches above that node. You might see a secondary spike in a week or so. This only happens when all of the original blooms have fallen.
      Every now and then, and if the orchid finds itself in a good environment, you will see new buds appearing at the end of the spike. The old flowers will fall off and the new buds will begin to grow and produce more blooms for another 3 to 4 months.
      Some orchid growers know of a substance that can be applied to nodes that will produce many more spikes on the original plant. It is a hormone but I don't know the name. Now that so many orchids are reproduced by cloning them, the hormone is not used as much.

  4. What a wonderful collection of orchids Gina - I too love them and used to imagine years ago that they would be difficult to keep as they look so exotic. As you relate here they are so rewarding and their blooms last for such a long time.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I must confess that all of the orchids pictured are not blooming at this time. I took their photos as they were blooming, some a few months ago. Right now only the white orchids are blooming in my house.
      However, the next wave of orchids is already waiting in the wings. I have counted 8 spikes laden with buds and ready to re-bloom. These orchids have been waiting patiently for their time to shine.

  5. Thank you so much for this Gina. Is there any way that you can email me this information. I have purchased and been gifted Orchids and they just look at me and say when do you want me to perish...huge sigh! I would so love to be able to grow one even for more than a month. Yours are so gorgeous, absolutely beautiful array of gorgeous colours~

    1. Dear Mary,
      Apparently I'm not smart enough to find your email address on your blog. Please send it to me. I will remove it as soon as I see it. Gina

  6. Oh Wow, what a divine array of orchids! And the pots and interiors are also divine! These photos are such a feast for the eyes, I'm so glad I happened upon your blog via Rosemary's blog.

  7. Welcome Wendy. I'm so happy that you stopped by. Thank you also for becoming my newest Follower. Wishing you and yours a very happy and prosperous New Year.

  8. They are stunning Gina - I've tried a couple now and then but never had much luck keeping them going - probably because we don't have a lot of good sunny window spots.

    Love, Mary

    1. Dear Mary, The trick is to select an orchid when it has newly arrived in a store. Once they are in full bloom they do very well even in dark rooms and will continue blooming for several more months. However, you are right, they do need to be by a window to get them to re-bloom. It is not easy to look at the plant for so many months without any flowers...they are not very attractive in that state.

  9. Such a lovely post, I manage to kill mine all the time.. going to try your tips on a new one soon!

    1. Hello Priya, Yes, do give them another try. They are so rewarding and there is no reason whey they won't bloom for you. Thank you for your visit.

    2. Thanks gina love your blog ❤️ Im a orchid lover also just bought a couple catalaya love them

  10. How nice of you Moldavia. I've not had as much luck with cattalaya orchids but they have a most haunting perfume when they bloom.
