Friday, February 5, 2016

My World


It's been a few years since we have had this much snow.  

Still below freezing every day. 

Piles of snow are getting higher and higher.

When it melts it can all flow into the pond.

No picnics under the picnic tree. 

But soon, doors will be open wide.

The January thaw has come and gone.  

There will be new grass.

The air is sharp and crisp. 

I'm painting and waiting for my daffodils to poke their heads through the snow. 

Have a most wonderful weekend my dear friends. 



  1. It was fun to see these contrasting views of your world, Gina.

    After a few days of quite warm weather, I woke this morning to see big soggy snow flakes falling. This wet snow clings to tree branches but melts on the sidewalks and streets. Weatherman says snow will end at midday. Sun will return. That's our little contrast! xo

    1. Dear Frances, Looking forward to your photographs of early blooms in the doubt there will be snowdrops, tulips and Jonquils.

  2. Bonjour chère amie,

    Des photos magnifiques ! Il est très intéressant de pouvoir observer le changement de saison sur celles-ci !
    Cette année, chez moi l'hiver est plutôt anormalement doux. Certains arbres sont déjà en fleurs et de nombreuses fleurs printanières ont fait leur apparition depuis plus d'une dizaine de jours.

    Merci pour ce joli billet.
    Gros bisous ♡

    1. Bonjour chere amie Martinalison, how wonderful that you are having an early Spring in your part of the world.
      Can't think of anything nicer than to stroll through Paris in early Spring. I will be there in April.
      Thank you so much for your visit and your very lovely comment. Gros bisous, Gina

  3. Dear Gina,
    The cycle of the seasons is a wonderful subject and you portray it so beautifully with your contrasting photos of the marvelous landscape at your doorstep. I am always so taken by the beauty of the pond and the mountains in the background.
    Wishing you a warm and cozy weekend, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Have you noticed that the mountains behind the pond have a way of disappearing. To the east of us we have the famous Skyline Drive and the magnificent Horseshoe Mountain at an elevation of over 8,000 feet. It usually has snow until July. This year it will probably stay until August.
      Thank you for your visit. It is always so appreciated.

  4. How lovely you have made your surroundings look Gina - great idea to show the beauty at different seasons - all of which have their own special beauty. Your snow does seem omnipresent these days, we really only had that ice storm recently ,although flurries are possible here this morning but won't amount to anything. . . . . . unless the meteorologists are wrong!
    Be careful out there in the biting cold - know you must be creating some beautiful things in the warmth of your home. Hope the animals all staying warm and watered.
    Off now to meet friends for early brunch - then home for a day being lazy! Too cold to walk - but managed that yesterday when it was quite pleasant.
    Warm hugs to you both - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I wouldn't mind snow flurries...Spring flowers can always grow through them. Our animals are our first priority when it is this cold. Pasha, our gentleman cat, sleeps in the heated greenhouse. Checkens. ducks and geese are fed twice a day so that they have plenty of energy to get them through the day.
      I know that the days are getting longer because our chickens have started to lay a few more eggs. That is always a good sign that Spring must be just around the corner.
      The sun is out this morning so I will be going for a walk myself.

  5. Gina, this was a FABULOUS post. totally sunlit and fantastic to show the contrast, loved it. Thanks for sharing x

    1. So happy that you liked my post. Sunshine always makes everything so right.

  6. That was beautiful - the contrasts in the views. I hope you are warm and looking forward to a beautiful spring.

    1. Thank you Pondside for your visit. Spring is my favorite time of the year and it never comes soon enough nor lasts long enough.

  7. Your sunshine is mighty inviting today. We are now having the second grey day with no sign of the sun at all. My friend just texted me that the sun was do to peak out in an hour or two so we will go for a walk! I'll wave at you! Your photos are awe-inspiring!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary, Even though our snow is piled high we never have to go too long without sunshine. It is shining brightly this morning. Will need dark glasses for my walk.
      Thank you for your visit and your very sweet compliment. Have a wonderful week. ox, Gina

  8. The snow makes the scenery so different. All those colors must be more than welcome after this.

    1. Hello Riitta, How nice of you to stop by for a visit. Isn't it interesting how our eyes are always noticing colors first.

  9. I adore these contrasts...beautiful!

    and LivingFromHappiness

    1. Hello Donna, I am so pleased that you like my little contrast exercise. Thank you for your visit.

  10. Great contrasting photos, Gina. You live in an area that's beautiful no matter the season. Beauty is all around us.

  11. Hello Lorrie, You are so right. Beauty is all around us. All we have to do is take the time to look.
    Thank you for stopping by. Have a great remainder of the week.

  12. Wonderful series of photography ~ will be nice when the snow melts here in MA too ~ ^_^

    Happy Weekend and Valentine's Day to you ~ ^_^

    1. So true Carol. It will be nice when the snow melts. Thank you for your visit.

  13. Lovely post!
    Have a great weekend:)

    1. Thank you Joo. Please stop by again. Your visit and your comment is so appreciated.

  14. Beautiful photos! I like the contrasting seasons, and your world looks beautiful in any season!

    1. Hello Spare Parts, I am so pleased that you like my photos. Your photos are always so professional and so interesting.

  15. Gina, your images are lovely. Displaying them as you have shows the wonderful beautiful offered by different seasons. It's a frigid day here, which means the sky is an incredibly bright blue. Love it!

    1. Hello Karen, We are both lucky to have bright blue skies. That is one of the rewards of living in the countryside. Happy Valentine's Day.
