Tuesday, June 21, 2016

And the winner is


Rosemary is the author of a beautiful blog.  
"Where Five Valleys Meet"

Rosemary is from England.  In her blog we see little glimpses of her beautiful garden. HER BLOG IS SUPERIOR TO MOST.  Not only does Rosemary share her beautiful photographs from the most exotic places in the world but she delves into the history of places which are not usually found in the most detailed guide books.  

Rosemary correctly identified 13 flowers and here is her list:

1) Rose, 2) Helleborus, 3) Astrantia, 4) Verbena, 

5) Cyclamen, 6) Nemesia, 7) Corydalis, 8) Salpiglossis,

9) Centauria, 10) Iceland Poppy, 11) Alchemilla Mollis,

12) Calendula, 13) Mimulus

And the mystery flower is: 


Lavender Godetia.

Godetias come in many colors.  Direct sow in the Spring.

Congratulations Rosemary.




  1. Dear Gina - it was a struggle getting there and I fell short of reaching the finishing line. For me Godetia are much more readily recogniseable when they are in the deep pink and pale pink colourways, those are the ones my father grew.
    I am now covered in embarrassment by your extremely kind comments♡

    1. Dear Rosemary, You were such a good Sport to participate in my little game. I prefer the solid color Godetias but realize that it made the quiz just a little more difficult. Not many gardeners grow Godetias. I don't know why because they are very easy. They also make long lasting cut flowers.

  2. Congrats. to Rosemary, one of the best bloggers out there for the reasons you've stated Gina, and the fact that her photos are always fantastic, and she is a generous commenter Just wish we all lived closer and could get together and talk about lovelies such as flowers and travels.

    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary, If we could get together we would have such a grand time. Maybe we could talk Rosemary into making the trip across the big pond. I am volunteering to be the host. Utah is a beautiful State. We have five National Parks, each one more spectacular than the next.

  3. Now here's a funny bit, Giina...I once painted a still life of a jug of godetias. I think their colors and shapes and textures are quite lovely. If I can remember to take a photo of the painting, I'll email it to you. xo

    1. Dear Frances, I would love to see your Godetia painting. I have noticed that Godetias are now grown commercially because they last longer than most cut flowers.

  4. Hi Gina...I had to smile...I got the first two right...and the remainder...well not! All really wonderful, beautiful colours and I just know the fragrance of happy surrounds you. I wish that I could grown more flowers, but the heavy shade hardly allows for my Knock-out Roses and Hydrangeas as it is. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it very much. Have a great day~

  5. Dear Mary, Do you know how lucky you are to be able to grow roses and hydrangeas? I can get a few roses through our harsh winter but Hydrangeas are not part of my garden.

  6. Wow! That is one amazingly beautiful bouquet. And to know the names of all those flowers! I'm so impressed!

    1. Hello Maria, I have been in love with garden flowers since I was very small. Learning the names was very easy. Thank you for your visit. It is very much appreciated. Gina
