Saturday, July 30, 2016


And all the fun and work that comes with it.

My new Tayberry bush is doing well.  This luscious fruit needs a special accompaniment

A Sabayon or if in Italy, a Zabaglione is the perfect answer. 
Recipe here

You will need a double boiler and a tireless arm. 

My Basil is perfect for picking and perfect for making Pesto.

It will go to seed in a few days. Must stock up on Pine Nuts and the very best olive oil I can find.

Apricots are ripe, ready for preserves.

Now this is the variety of Opium Poppy I don't like.  
I like simple flowers. 
When these poppies first opened I started to pull some of them out.

But then thought better of it. 

If I had pulled them all I would have missed these Beauties. 

I'm still bottle feeding Liesel.  

Sunflowers are volunteering in the Squash Patch.

Ronde de Nice or Rolly Pollies are ready.
They are the very best Summer Squash. 

And I have been painting a lot of tiles for new kitchens.  

It's another beautiful day here.  
Hope you are enjoying summer.  



  1. Dear Gina,
    In an air conditioned home it is easy to enjoy the hot Texas summer, especially when looking at the cornucopia of delights at Gina's. Flowers, vegetables, beautiful tiles and bowls, and best of all, positive pictures and words
    to show how the world can be. I love your blog.
    Happy greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I am so pleased that you like my blog. I have seen some very wonderful and special photographs which you have shared with me. Wish you would join us so that we could all enjoy what you have to say.

  2. What wonderful cornucopia of crops Gina - those Tayberries look like sparkling rubies. I have made lots of Apricot Conserve, but our plums trees this year are sadly rather denuded for some strange reason. Little Liesel is thriving with your loving care and attention.

    1. Dear Rosemary. Do you have a special recipe for Apricot Conserve? I have o many apricots still on the tree. For some reason my plum trees did not make plums this year either.
      Liesel will soon go off formula and electrolytes. She will go to pasture with her cousin and adult Herefords. She will forget all about me.

  3. Gina, you are making me feel like quite a summer lazybones! The past week's heat did lower my personal speed limit.

    I am very impressed by your actually making use of a double boiler in late July. I am sure that the results were delicious.

    Those poppies are amazing. Please don't pull them up...the mix is so beautiful.

    I bought a very large bunch of basil at yesterday's farmers market, and have been making pesto and have some other plans for some of this scented green abundance.

    Those kitchen tiles!


    1. Dear Frances, No need to be too impressed with my summer labors. I only do what I like to do. More of those wonderful poppies are opening in my garden. I have learned a valuable lesson, which is, do not select always the strongest seedlings but also leave some of the smaller seedlings. This way you get variety in color. I have suspected that that is true but this experience with Poppies has proven me right.
      Will you please share your pesto recipe? Would love to know how you make yours.

    2. Gina, I'm not sure that what I do to make pesto is actually a recipe...more just a process.
      I used a tightly-packed cup of fresh basil leaves that I had torn up into small pieces. (No food processor here, and the blender is on a top shelf.)
      I ground up some toasted almonds, added them along with equal amount of grated parmesan and a finely diced large garlic clove to some olive oil. Then, little by little I folded the basil into the oil-based mixture. Used a spoon and gave the mixture a good stir. I added a bit more olive oil to get the consistency I wanted. Oh...this mixing was all done in a glass jar. I then put the lid on the jar and put it in the fridge. Pretty simple and easy to repeat.

      I was too lazy to actually look up a recipe, or get my step ladder out to climb up to get the blender. xo

    3. Dear Frances, I like your recipe. I should have added Parmesan cheese to mine...I will next time. My recipe is similar except I use roasted pine nuts and I squeeze a little lemon juice into the mixture.
      Thank you for your recipe. Done by hand is always best.

  4. Thank you Gina for posting the beautiful photographs, and the recipe link
    I've never seen a picture of berries as fantastic that. Bravo!

    1. Hello Maywyn, Thank you for your very nice compliment. Not only do the Tayberries look good they taste even better.

  5. Hello, your basil looks wonderful. I love the flowers and your sweet Liesel. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

    1. Thank you Eileen, Little Liesel is growing fast. Soon she will be with the big boys and learn how to get along with everyone.

  6. I have basil envy, I can only grow it in pots on my windowsill as there's too much rain in Normandy for basil to flourish in the potager, I'm afraid.
    Love your poppy mosaic so glad you didn't pill them out! Thank you for joining me for my first Mosaic Monday I hope to see you again soon.

    1. Hello Maggie, So surprised that Basil does not grow well in Normandy. Mine likes to be watered at least once a day.
      Congratulations on re-opening Mosaic Monday. It will be a lot of work for you but you will meet so many grateful friends.

  7. Your summer is filled with bright colors and delicious things - so beautiful to see.

    1. Hello Riitta, How nice of you to stop by and leave a message. It is so appreciated.

  8. Your photos evoke the best of summer days, Gina. I made apricot jam this past week and it was so delicious, warm on a spoon. Yum! Pesto is such a delicious way to use basil - do you freeze it in small batches for using in winter? Have a wonderful August.

    1. Hello Lorrie, We make a lot of Pesto when our basil is at its best. We wrap it in little plastic packets and freeze it in individual servings to use when we need a quick meal and a reminder to plan our next trip to Italy.
      Apricot preserve is my favorite. I made another batch this morning and our tree is still laden with fruit. My friends and neighbors will come by and help me out.

  9. What an absolutely delightful post showing off all the bounty that is available to you.

    1. Hello Lulu and welcome. How nice to see you here and how generous of you to give me such a lovely compliment.

  10. What a beautiful blog! Your photo's are amazing. Love it!

    1. Hello Valerie, I am so pleased that you like my blog and that you also like my photos. I appreciate your visit and also thank you for leaving such a wonderful comment.

  11. Oh what a little beauty Liesel is. I must have missed some news about this wee one. You are always so busy and have such positive should bottle that up as well. I would buy it, for I stay so tired. The Poppies... I would keep them as well, for they are really stunning beauties. Have a marvelous weekend Gina~

    1. Dear Mary, I have a secret. You say I have so much energy. My secret is that I only do what I really like to do. If the floors don't get mopped, so what. If it's time to bring armloads of flowers into the house, then that is what I do.
      I think that Liesel is about to be introduced to the rest of the herd. She is spending more and more time grazing. For now she is still being bottle fed 6 times a day.

  12. Liesel is very sweet.
    It was lovely to find you on Mosaic Monday. Your tayberries and zabaglione sound delicious!

    1. Hello Pondside, I will miss Liesel when she doesn't need me anymore. She knows me now and comes running but soon she will be with her own kind . And that is as it should be.
      I am delighted that Mosaic Monday is up and running again.
