Sunday, August 28, 2016

A wotrhwhile trip

through the garden

yielded color and 

and the makings for a HOT Salsa.

Happy Sunday to you and yours, 



  1. Replies
    1. Hello Rick, Thanks for your visit and thank you also for leaving a comment.

  2. Replies
    1. Hello Maywyn, Sundays are always special around work is allowed. Thank you for visiting.

  3. Gina, I do love salsa - do you have a great recipe hiding in your beautiful kitchen by chance?

    1. Dear Mary, My Salsa has the usual ingredients, tomatoes, Jalapeno peppers, salt, cilantro and onions. I do add a little olive oil and a little sugar, to taste, to smooth out the rest of the ingredients.

  4. Replies
    1. Dear Rosemary, Fall colors are already appearing in this neck of the woods. Summer is galloping along. I want to slow things down.
      I so appreciate your visits and comments.

  5. Gina, your seasons just amaze me in your part of the world. This abundance in your garden, your harvests, are extraordinary in their richness - but I know that you will move on to a winter landscape equally visually stunning! You really live in a remarkable landscape - but then you have also made your immediate surroundings exceptional. I always enjoy coming over here.

    1. Dear Karen, Time is flying by too quickly. It seems that only a few days ago I was picking a bunch of Daffodils. Now people are talking about Fall. I'm not ready to accept that Spring has come and gone.

      Thank you for your wonderful advice about Portugal. That was a stunning series of posts you wrote about Portugal. Your photographs are always so inspiring. We have our air tickets to Lisbon and have made reservations in all but two nights.

      Thank you for your lovely compliments. ox Gina
