Sunday, August 14, 2016

It's harvest time

 There is enough produce growing in my garden to challenge the weeds.

Peaches are almost ripe.

This is how we harvest beans...
we pull out the entire plant and pull the beans while sitting in the shade.  

Enough beans to last all winter. 

You do know how beans grow.

We pulled the first onions at the same time.
The rest will have to grow some more.  

A family portrait, the Farmer, his dog and the photographer.  

Onions drying on the wall. 

(Look how clever is Mr G.  He places plastic wrap into the sieve first to form Pesto packets).

Liesel has been pampered.  The rest of the Farmers are shaking their heads.  They all say that she should be with the rest of the herd by now.  In the meantime I'm still bottle feeding her 4 times a day

Liesel likes to spend time under an old apricot tree.  Hope she does not get sick from eating apricots and their pits.

Will her Father recognize her when she is put with the rest of the herd?  I know that her Mother won't care, she is the one who abandoned my little charge.  

I will be like a mother duck who watches her ducklings going for their first swim.  

Hope your week goes swimmingly. 



  1. Dear Gina,
    You, the farmer and the dog are a great team and the photos show the spirit in which you work together so
    productively. I like peaches more than apricots and try to add green beans to a meal whenever possible.
    We are well and send happy greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Are you off on your great adventure? I will save frozen beans for you. The peaches will have to be the bottled kind. If I start thinking about all the harvesting and work ahead of me I get a bit worried.
      Hope you are going to have a splendid time.

  2. Dear Gina, it's so interesting to see these clever harvest methods you and your husband have developed. Thank you for giving us a peek at the process.

    How do you plan to ween your beautiful baby calf from her luxurious bottle feeding? Gradually, or all at once. As a city dweller, I have no idea of such matters! xo

    1. Dear Frances, I have noticed that Liesel is beginning to eat more grass. Have stopped giving her elektrolites because she is doing so well. For now she only gets a special formula (and apricots). How she will get along with the adults I don't know. We will have to watch. She does have a cousin her same age. Maybe they will become pals.

  3. Great pics.
    It's been a great year here too for peaches and green beans.

    1. Hello Rick, I am so pleased that you stopped by. How else would I have found you and your beautiful photograpy. I have become a Follower.

  4. Dear Gina - we seem to be eating beans every day at the moment, but I love them - ours are the flat runner bean variety - this season keeps us all busy, however, your produce looks extremely luscious and very bountiful.

    1. Dear Rosemary, It may be a lot of work to take care of a garden but the rewards are many. And besides, it keeps us young.

  5. Oh that Ms. Liesel is so beautiful - is she going to be staying with you a while longer or will you just have to give her a shove and tell her to get going and join the herd? Hope the cousins are friendly toward her or I can see her coming back to you at a fast trot!!!!

    What a good idea to freeze the pesto like that - I need to train Bob (a bit late right?) in some of the intricacies of meal prep. I bet G even cooks some of this amazing veggies from your garden. Bob boils water - not much else!!!

    My hollyhock grew taller and actually is blooming again this week - brought a smile to my face!

    Love, Mary

    1. Dear Mary, Liesel is going to get a tag in her ear which officially makes her a registered miniature Hereford. It's like piercing her for an earring. Her cousin, a little bull, will get the same treatment only he will have to be manhandled a bit...he has not been around humans, he has been close to his mother since the day he was born.

      My Mr G is a wonderful cook. He has slowly taken over in the kitchen and I am so grateful. I still prepare special meals when company comes.

      My first Hollyhock did not bloom as prolifically as in the past. I cut them halfway down the stem and they are blooming again. I am now pulling out old Hollyhocks and encouraging the small seedlings to take over for next year's blooming season. I am also collection more seeds from special colors....I will share.
