Saturday, October 15, 2016

Let's turn on the heat

On Ice Grapes
and make raisins out of them.

Grapes are left on the vine until they freeze.  Ice grapes are used for a very special wine, Ice Wine, a desert wine.

If ever you come across 
"Piesporter Goldtröpfchen Spätlese", be sure to take it home with you.   

I was up at the crack of dawn.

Because I noticed that birds had discovered our Himrod Ice Grapes.  

We had to pick them. Can't wait for the frost and snow. 

 Raisins they will be.

We saved a few for table grapes.  
The basket is more than 30 years old (see below).

Off to the Bank goes Mr G. 
All come out to pick their favorite squash. 

(Who is in charge inside?)

The basket (above) brings back wonderful memories.
The La Mamounia Hotel in Marrakesh filled this basket with exotic fruits to fortify us for the long drive to Casablanca. 

That was more than 30 years ago.  

Have a great weekend, dear friends,



  1. Gina, it's great that you all were able to rescue the icy grapes and have plans for them. They are visually beautiful with the frost upon them.
    I love the bank excursion to carry out the squash tradition, too.
    And..what a fine memory that basket brings. I have New York friends who used to spend six month of each year at their little house in Marrakesh. Lots of memories there, too.

    Happy Weekend! xo

    1. Dear Frances, One of the most beautiful and interesting spots in this world is Marrakech and Morocco. I could be talked into spending a few month a year in that beautiful and exotic country.

  2. I always love objects with a memory. This basket is a special one of you, looks great with flowers and grapes. I never heard of Ice Wine, very interesting.
    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Hello Jannecke,
      Baskets are such wonderful and practical containers. Whenever I have a chance to pick up an interesting, and preferably old basket, I don't hesitate.

  3. Dear Gina - when we travelled along the Mosel Valley we bought some Piesporter wine to bring home and imbibed several glasses of it too whilst there!!! it was then that we learnt about the frosting of the grapes.
    It is lovely how different object acquired on travels can bring back happy and personal memories.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Even though sweet wine is not my favorite, there is something about the sweetness of late harvest wines that is so refreshing. I love being reminded of trips taken in the past. Even if they are practical and ordinary objects, they still have the same effect.

  4. Those roses staged so beautifully.

    1. Hello Joanna, Thank you for your lovely compliment, especially coming from you who knows all about flowers and how to arrange them to their advantage.
