Sunday, November 13, 2016

Mon Bouquet du Jour

The lowly Nasturtium

One of my most favorite flowers.

Long lasting cut flower.

Easy to grow

When placed in water will reach for the light. 

Will grow in my winter greenhouse.

First day, a week later, two weeks later. 

Even tight buds will open in water.

So, so many colors.

Easily grown from seeds.

Flowers and leaves brighten a salad.

This one, a favorite color. 

They arrange themselves so naturally.  Always pointing upwards. 

They even survive for days in florist tubes.  

I always plant a few Nasturtiums in pots.  
They do well in my greenhouse.  

All others have frozen in my garden.  

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. 



  1. Hi Gina - thanks for brightening up the universe this quiet Sunday morning. I've always love nasturtiums too - we had so many in the garden when growing up - now I don't have much luck with them here in Summer when it's so humid.

    Your photos are so pretty - hard to choose a favorite because each one has the addition of lovely things such as eggplants, artichokes, apples, ornamental cabbage, golden frames. . . . . . . . . . . and of course your always stunning ceramics. All just perfection.
    Stay warm - be cozy!
    Happy day dear friend.

    1. Dear Mary, I'm thinking that you might try Nasturtiums again. I'm sure that you recall Monet's garden where Nasturtiums almost cover the entire walkways...leaving just enough room to walk through them. The climate might be similar to yours. Nasturtiums are not particular about soil or environment.
      For me they provide flowers for the house when it is freezing outside and there isn't a bloom to be found in my garden.

  2. And they actually thrive in poor soil. Incredible photos.

    1. Hello Mac n'Janet, You are so right. Nasturtiums grow wild in many states of the U.S. I am so pleased that you like my photos.

  3. Gina, it's grand to see so many different colors of nasturtiums...I really had no idea of the variety. I'm sure they will be enjoying winter shelter in your greenhouse. xo

    1. Dear Frances, When I need a little pic-me-up my Nasturtiums are always willing to oblige. I love to watch them settle in to their containers. I can't resist taking pictures of them.

  4. Bonjour chère amie,

    J'aime beaucoup les capucines !... en salade aussi !! sourire...
    Vos photos sont magnifiques. Une belle farandole de couleurs vivifiantes.

    Gros bisous

    1. Bonjour chere amie Martinalison, You have reminded me that Nasturtiums are called Kapuchiner Kresse in German. I had forgotten the name. You are right, they provide a burst of color in any salad and any flower arrangement.
      Gros bisous.

  5. I bought my first packet of nasturtiums seeds when we visited Monet's garden at Giverny about 17 years ago and they have self seeded ever since, I adore them. Even on a dreary day in November like today they are still adding colourful cheer to my garden.
    Happy Mosaic Monday!

    1. Hello Maggie, What a lovely story. How wonderful that you have been able to keep your little treasure going after all these years. Have they stayed true to color or have you come up with new combinations?
      I collected Aster Seeds from Lake Maggiore, Italy, more than forty years ago. They are still going strong and many of my friends are enjoying them in their gardens, as well.

  6. Gina, I'm going to have to remember to get some nasturtium seeds. I didn't plant much this year, but no reason why I can't make a list of things to plant for next year! Lovely images. Happy Monday!

    1. Hello Snap, Good idea. Make plans now and that way you won't forget. Nasturtiums are very easy to grow and will reward you with flowers all season long. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  7. Such cheerful photos and flowers. Nasturtiums are always one of the seed choices I make, they are great to fill in spots where early perennials have died down leaving a "hole". They are always so "happy" looking! Your ceramics are so beautiful- love the rich blue!

    1. Hello Linda, Thank you for visiting. It's wonderful how some Nasturtiums trail and fill those "holes" in your garden. I plant them where they will hide unsightly spots. In our climate they really just get going when freezing weather hits. That is why I always have a few growing in pots so that I can move them inside.

  8. Dear Gina,
    every time I see your colorful Nasturtium I make plans to put seeds out, but then the season comes and goes without any in my garden. Maybe I am not patient with seeds, but they may well be worth a try. They look wonderful in your arrangements.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I will save some of my special colors for you. Nasturtiums are the easiest of flowers to grow. Seeds will germinate in two weeks. I have them germinating in my greenhouse right now. I didn't even plant them. They were a few errand seeds that must have dropped into the pots.

  9. You do so well with your nasturtiums. They are bright and pretty in your beautiful arrangements.

    1. Thank you Lorrie. Your grandchildren would love growing these flowers. They are foolproof and never disappoint.

  10. How lovely those dainty, yet strong little flowers have just brightened my morning. The colours are so wonderful and their sweet faces so charming. I am going to jot down the name. I have heard of them, may have even tried growing the, and maybe with my non-green thumb they just never arrived. Severe drought here, hoping for some good rain today and, or tomorrow...can you believe 80' for high today here in Kentucky. Always a pleasure Gina. Take care~

  11. Dear Mary, I can guaranty that you will be able to grow this flower. Nasturtiums are one of the easiest annual flowers to grow. They do need a little water to get them to germinate. It's hard to believe that you are experiencing temperatures in the eighties. It is now very cold here, a drastic change from a few days ago. I hope that you received the rain you were wishing for.
