Monday, December 19, 2016

I'm celebrating, it snowed.

Now it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

I'm sharing a few of my favorites. 


I'm celebrating.  Are You?



  1. Wonderful photos from both indoors and outdoors.
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Dear Olympia, Thank you for your good wishes and thank you for your lovely compliment. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. ox, Gina

  2. Dear Gina - each photo is a feast for the eyes - no snow on the horizon for us. Happy warm and cosy celebrations over this festive season to you both.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Thank you dear friend. I always look forward to your next postings...always so many beautiful photographs.
      Wishing you everything Merry and Bright.

  3. Fantastic and beautiful Christmas post.
    I love your images.
    I'm glad you got snow.
    Now enjoy . . .

    1. Hello Rick, So nice of you to stop by and leave such a nice comment. It is so appreciated. I have been enjoying your "Pick of the Day", they always tell the complete story, and mostly, with only one photo.

  4. Absolutely beautiful photos, that first one had me hooked right from the start. Have a very Happy Christmas

    1. Hello Susan, Welcome. So nice to see you here and all the way from France. I see that you are ready for Christmas. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. ox, Gina

  5. Dear Gina,
    You have so many lovely collectibles to celebrate the season with. All so colorful and special.
    Yes, I am celebrating a little each day by adding some decoration here and there and thinking about friends like
    you in far away places.
    Happy greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, That is how I like to decorate. Add a little more each day or when I think about it. Pretty soon it is finished. Sometimes I forget things on purpose. That makes it so it is not the same every year.
      I know that you include many traditions from across the big pond. I think many people do. That's what makes Christmas so special

  6. Gina ~ very beautiful post of your world at Christmas time ~ thanks,

    Wishing a Very Merry Christmas ~ ^_^

    1. Hello Carol, Thank you for your visit and thank you also for your good wishes. Merry Christmas to you and Yours. ox, Gina

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Lady Fi. This is the one time of the year that I can be generous with color.

  8. Such beautiful photographs... How lucky to have "discovered" you just before Christmas. Your blog is a feast for the senses! Thank you for visiting my blog too!

    1. Hello Gina, I am so pleased to meet you. I love your handicrafts. They are very special. I ordered an interesting book from Italy last week (Amazon). You might know of it: "Il Manuale completo dei Ricame Ostense" by Elisabeth Holzer. The book gives instructions translates historic Italian ceramics into embroidery patterns. If you haven't seen, this book, I think that you will be very surprised to see such fabulous work.

  9. Dear Gina,
    It's such a joy to visit you after such a long time! Especially at this time of the year, when your beautiful house gloriously awaits Christmas...and you even have snow :-) Right now, I'm in Gothenburg where the weather is surprisingly not so cold. Maybe snow will come later in january.
    Enjoy this festive time of the year and have a wonderful Christmas! xx Lala
    ps : i was wondering...are you on Instagram? (that's where I post mainly but lately, i've decided to be on my blog more regularly)

    1. Dear Lala,

      How absolutely wonderful to hear from you. I see that a lot of major changes have come about in your life. I look forward to hearing more about it. I have also missed your lovely photographs.

      I have not joined Instagram...maybe down the road I will. Blogging and my Etsy shop keep me very busy.
      Or as busy as I want to be. I need to leave a little time left so that I can enjoy my family and our country life.

      Have a most beautiful Christmas. I look forward to your future blogs and I will look in on your Instagram page now and then. ox, Gina
