Friday, December 9, 2016

Waiting in anticipation.

 Will they open before Christmas? 

My Delft crocus pots are standing by, 
now holding roses.

Roses only lasted a week

In the meantime I planted crocus bulbs. 
They are beginning to show in my greenhouse. 

(I know a couple of nasturtium seeds found their way amongst the crocus).

When crocuses begin to bloom I will transplant them. 

I wonder which group will bloom first.  
It's a test.  This group is trying to grow inside where it is warm.  

They are  supposed to be grown in the dark and at around 50 degrees Fahrenheit.  

We will see.

This type of container is perfect for table decorations.  

They are compact and small, yet hold a lot of pretty cut flowers. 

(Don't you just hate tall arrangements on the dinner table?
Who wants to play peek-a-boo with other guests).

Have a wonderful weekend and please make it snow at my house.



  1. Your roses are beautiful Gina - I have planted tulips in pots for the front porch, but your crocus bulbs, even with the odd stray nasturtium, should look lovely.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Do you keep your tulip pots on the front porch until they bloom? I remember being in London in January and so many beautiful potted flowers were displayed in window boxes, white hellebore, heather and tulips.
      Wish I could do that's just too cold

  2. Gina, I've long been a fan of those flower blocks, although I don't have any myself. I agree with you about how pretty those roses looked...and have got fingers crossed that your crocus bulbs will be in full bloom by Christmas. Note to self...might have to settle for New Year's paperwhites this time around. xo

    1. Dear Frances, The Dutch have come up with ingenious ways to celebrate the many bulb varieties they have developed. Containers made especially for forcing bulbs have been around since the 1600s. I love them because they are so versatile and always so pretty.
      You just reminded me that I need to start planting my Paperwhites. They will bloom when everything else has faded and when I need a little pick-me-up.
      Will you share pictures of your Paperwhites?

  3. I love those vases - they do make a lot of sense at the table. Everything is so pretty Gina - and I know your greenhouse will do you proud.
    Happy Christmas to you both - we're heading out tonight and hoping Europe will be kind weatherwise, especially when crossing the Bay of Biscay which can act up in winter!

    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary, I love unusual containers and especially those that have a specific purpose. I have been on the lookout for a Tulipiere.
      My greenhouse plants are going to have to wait for longer days. That is when they begin to shine.
      I'll be thinking of you crossing the Bay of Biscay. Hope the weather is fair so you will have smooth sailing.

  4. Hello Rick, Thank you. I am pleased that you like my photos.

  5. Dear Gina,
    such pretty roses and always arranged in great and unusual containers make for beautiful pictures.I prefer as well small flower arrangements on the table, even the tiniest flowers in a few shot glasses will do.
    I am certain it will snow where you are before Christmas, however, I can not be sure to get a white blanket here. It is 70 F today!
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. So true Sieglinde, tiny flower arrangements, en masse, make for a beautiful setting.
      We had rain the other day. It should have been snow. It was warmer in the valley but snow did cover the mountains and that is where we need it most.

  6. Fascinating post and very creative photos and planting that you do ~ thanks.

    Wishing you peace in your week ~ ^_^

    1. Hi Carol, Thank you for stopping by. The bulbs are taking their time.

  7. Replies
    1. Hello Carol, Thank you for your lovely compliment and thank you for your visit.

  8. Replies
    1. Hello Jim, thank you for your visit and leaving a comment. Flowers are great subjects.

  9. Oh to see, to learn which ones arrive with their beautiful faces delightful. I have been seeing the bulbs to grow and have even done them before from the warmth only of our home, which is actually quite cold...another story...with a huge sigh. The containers alone are quite lovely. Hugs your way~

    1. Dear Mary, The containers are designed to hold small crocus bulbs. I am growing them outside of the containers and will transfer them (after I wash their roots) into the cachepots. It's an experiment. I don't know which will bloom first. Often I have observed that the temperatures are not as important as the hours of daylight.
