Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Will you miss me?

I'm off to the land of Azulejos?  

Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Portugal.

Note: I can't wait to see, in person, how the transition between the blue and the yellow-green tiles happens. 

Will I miss the "Big Show?"

Don't think so. 

Before you know it, I will be back. 

Take Care, 

Monday, March 13, 2017

I was feeling sorry for myself.

I've been complaining that nothing is growing in my garden.

All I had to do is look under the snow. 

And there they were!

Snowdrops and Hellebore.

The sun is shining today, 


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Want to see my best seller?

Can you guess what they are?

The Guesthouse needed it. 

I have sent them everywhere. 

Now you know what they are. 

This one doesn't need a clue. 

Do you have a Laundry Room?

They come in every language.

Mostly French.

More French than any other language. 
But you can ask for Transilvanian, if you like.  

French Lavender is everyone's favorite.

A few of them in my Etsy Shop.

Wishing you a great weekend, 


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A new crop

Still trying to convince you how easy it is to keep orchids.

These orchids have been dormant for about 6 months. 
Place the dormant plant by an east facing window and protect from direct heat.
I noticed new spikes a few weeks ago.

Last year, about this time, an older group was just beginning to throw new spikes.

Here they are, a year later, still going strong.  

When we go on an extended vacation I place crumbled up newspaper inside the container and add about 2 to 3 inches of water.  
The paper soaks up the moisture and keeps the orchids happy. 

If you see a blight on your leaves just cut it off and reshape the leaf with scissors.  
You can remove an entire leaf and it will not hurt the orchid.