Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A new crop

Still trying to convince you how easy it is to keep orchids.

These orchids have been dormant for about 6 months. 
Place the dormant plant by an east facing window and protect from direct heat.
I noticed new spikes a few weeks ago.

Last year, about this time, an older group was just beginning to throw new spikes.

Here they are, a year later, still going strong.  

When we go on an extended vacation I place crumbled up newspaper inside the container and add about 2 to 3 inches of water.  
The paper soaks up the moisture and keeps the orchids happy. 

If you see a blight on your leaves just cut it off and reshape the leaf with scissors.  
You can remove an entire leaf and it will not hurt the orchid. 


  1. You always show such gorgeous orchids Gina - you really have a 'green thumb' where growing them is concerned. I love your quite shallow containers which I feel may not have drainage holes - am I correct? If so, how much do you have to water - I would think not a lot or the roots would rot without drainage. I love the white blooms - well actually I love all of them, who couldn't, they are so beautiful.

    Hugs - Mary

  2. Dear Mary, I leave the purchased orchids in their small plastic containers. They go into a large cache pot...as many as will fit. You are correct, the cachepots don't have holes but the newspaper takes up a lot of the moisture. Roots of orchids can sit in water for quite a while (When we go on vacation). Just take them out of the container and give them a good rinse and let them drain.
    The newest orchids (Costco) come with their own outside pots. Remove it before you amass them into a larger container. In other words remove the outside pot only. Some plants only come with one pot. Most orchids are now planted in moss rather than bark. They fair much better.
    I water my orchids once a week and a little more in high Summer.
    I hope you give them a try. They are so rewarding.

  3. Lovely Gina - one of my delights too is finding new shoots on one of my orchids that may have been completely dormant for sometime. May people are scared of them, but they are tough and as we know a joy to own.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I am so pleased that you have also discovered the rewards in growing orchids. Now that many orchids are cloned they have become very affordable.

  4. Dear Gina,
    maybe we could stay strong and happy if we took some well deserved rest periods like your lovely orchids. Not quite as long, but longer than we usually do.
    I am always impressed by your gorgeous display of flowers and the well chosen backgrounds.
    Warm spring greetings from Texas, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I am so envious of your wonderful Spring weather. I see that your garden is coming to life...trees and shrubs are beginning to show new growth. We had more snow but I hear it's supposed to get warmer.

  5. Your shots are so nicely done (as always),
    and I love your orchid tips. And even that
    I'm not a skilled grower, I have found orchids
    to be beautiful and forgiving. (Love the crumbled
    newspaper idea -- makes sense.)

    1. Hello Rick, I'm not a skilled grower either. I let the experts work on the serious business of getting them ready for their first show of blooms. The newspaper idea works well when you must leave the orchids for a couple of weeks.

  6. You give me the will to try one, once again...however...I must say, we live in the woods, without a lot of sunshine coming into our small windows... I always claim these beauties and feel sad, that had they gone to someone else, they might have thrived much better. Our local nursery has a lovely selection and I just might give it one more try...huge sigh. That newspaper trick is certainly handy. Take care, enjoy the remainder of your week my friend~

    1. Dear Mary, Once the Phalaenopsis blooms it is not fussy how much light it receives. Just make sure that most of the blossoms have opened and that the last or tip of the orchid buds are not discolored. And, never place it next to direct heat.
      Yes, give them another try.

  7. Bonjour chère amie,

    Vos orchidées sont magnifiques ! Une très bonne idée avec le papier journal ! Merci pour l'astuce.
    Gros bisous 🌸

    1. Bonjour chere amie Matinealison, I am so pleased that you like my orchids. While traveling in Europe I have noticed that almost every house window holds a magnificent display of Phalaenopsis orchids.
      Thank you for your visit.
      Gros bisous

  8. Orchids are one of the few plants I seem to be able to keep in the house without killing them off so they must be tough!

    1. Hello Gina, What kind of orchids do you grow? I have tried other varieties but always come back to the Butterfly orchid.

  9. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! Wish I had your green thumb!

    1. No green thumb required Snap. These orchids make you look good.

  10. Beautiful orchids! I love them but I know I wouldn't be able to keep them alive. I have trouble keeping any plants alive.

    Happy Five on Friday

    1. Hello Sharon, You never know until you try. What's so hard about pouring a little water on them once a week? Some growers recommend placing 4 ice cubes on top of the moss/tree bark once a week.

  11. Your orchids are beautiful, Gina. And you make keeping them look so easy.

    1. Dear Lorrie, I used to pretend that taking care of orchids was arduous. It isn't. They are one of the easiest plants to take care of.

  12. your orchids are amazingly beautiful.. I love those pots..

    Please visit: http://from-a-girls-mind.blogspot.com

    1. Hello Krishna, Thank you for your visit and thank you also for your lovely compliment.

  13. We love orchids and agree that it is almost too easy to look after them

    1. Tricky Wolf, you have discovered the secret, taking care of orchids is child's play.

  14. Beautiful orchids :) I got given an orchid plant as leaving present from one of my jobs and it lasted so well. We didn't bring it when we moved country but I'd like to get another one, I love the different colours you can grow!

    1. Hello Carly and welcome. Do you have a Costco store in your area? Several times a year they bring in orchids. They are usually very fresh and should be great for starting a new collection.
