Thursday, April 20, 2017


Confection, as in Architecture

Bussaco Palace was designed by Italian Architect Luigi Manini (1848-1936) 

Palace Hotel do Bussaco is located in Luso, Portugal, a short distance from Porto, Portugal. 

We drove through Portugal this past late March and early April,
the perfect time to visit Portugal.

We travelled from Pousadas to Castles to Convents.  All transformed into beautiful and luxurious hotels. 

The People of Portugal so welcoming. 

Deep in the Forest stands Bussaco Palace surrounded by a magical forest.  

A forest with a collection of 700 varieties of trees including 300 exotic species. 

A Palace of extraordinary beauty.

A place where you will feel like a princess 
(or a Prince).


You may choose from sixty rooms.


Interior and Exterior walls are covered with large Azulejo tile murals. 

Azulejos are hand decorated, tin glazed earthenware tiles.

The technique of painting on tin glazed ceramic tiles was first introduced to Portugal by Italian Potters in the late 16th century, 
where they are known as painted in the Maiolica style. 

No architectural detail was left uncarved. 

Breakfast and Dinners are served in this large and very ornate dining room.  

The same technique of painting with color pigments onto ceramic tiles is known in Italy as  Maiolica

These ceramic tile panels were painted by 
Jorge Colaco (1868-1942) depicting scenes from Portugal's colorful maritime history.  

The very same technique of painting on tiles is still being used today. 

The only part that has changed is that kilns are now powered by electricity rather than wood. 

It makes it so convenient.  I don't have to wait
6 months to see how my ceramics turned out.  
All it takes is 30 hours from firing to cooling.  

Have a great week dear Friends, 



  1. Fantastic detail, great pics.
    I want to be there . . .

    1. Hello Rick, Palace Bussaco is sometimes thought to be over elaborate and frivolous. Yet so much fun to experience.

  2. Dear Gina,
    lucky Princess and Prince! It looks like you had this enchanting Palace all to yourselves. I would find it hard
    to leave special places like this after only a night, but I am sure there were more magical places to discover.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, It was the perfect time of year to one about and the Forest so magical. We stayed two nights, which was just right. I'm always looking forward to the next adventure...there is so much to see and experience.

  3. Dear Gina,

    The decoration of Palace Bussaco looks very organic, at least at a glance. I could see how Gaudi mgiht be inspired by such a place. The battle scene of that staircase mural is wonderful!

    1. Dear Mark, Thanks for stopping by. It's great to hear from you now and then. Your new addition to your Pompeiian Room is a was worth all the many hours you put into the project.

  4. Oh the brilliance and majesty of such a place, I certainly have never been. Your vivid images and detail of what you saw take me there. What extraordinary beauty and you must be super happy that you shall see your finished work so much more quickly with the new kind of kilns. I know that you must be enjoying every minute of this journey~

    1. Dear Mary, Because I love to paint ceramics this trip was planned so that I could see as many places as possible which featured the beautiful Azulejos of Portugal. I was not disappointed...the were everywhere. No place or structure was forgotten. I loved it all.

  5. Wow, what a heavenly place, thanks for sharing.
    Wish, we could travel...

    1. Hello Mascha, I have enjoyed visiting your beautiful photographs and your lovely blog. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. It is so appreciated.

  6. Gina, having been a very lazy blogger, I have finally treated myself this evening to a delightful review of recent posts of my blogland buddies. Your trip to Portugal has provided such a feast of colorful sights, as did your Easter post.

    I'm going to try to visit more often, and also to prepare more posts of my own. I think I have found the ease of Instagram very tempting, but still like the blog medium very much. xo

    1. Dear Frances, It is tempting to get more involved in some of the easier platforms. However, I would miss the more personal connection we enjoy from getting to know our friends better through blogging. It does take more time and sometimes I wonder if I should spend my time more productively.

  7. Gina you saw so much more beauty in Portugal than we managed with only that one cold, damp day in Lisbon - so happy for you.
    How absolutely exquisite the tiles (oh that gorgeous elephant!) and that staircase wall. The Palace Hotel reminds me of a very elegant wedding cake - and the forest is one I wouldn't even mind getting lost in!

    Thanks dear friend for these stunning scenes from Portugal - I would love to go back some day and get off the beaten track to see such lovely places other than the bustling city.

    Hope all is well in Utah. We are readying for the trip to Sicily soon - always so many loose ends to tie off before overseas traveling, as you know well!
    Warm hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, We loved this trip to Portugal. Getting around by car was super easy. The highways were in excellent condition and getting out into the countryside was an extra bonus. The Pousadas are so conveniently situated that driving from one to the other was a wonderful way to get acquainted with the lay of the land.
      The people of Portugal were especially warm and helpful. We could not have enjoyed a vacation more.
      I am looking forward to your report on Sicily. It's been many years since we last visited. All is well in Utah. Spring has arrived. Everything is green and beautiful.
