Friday, June 2, 2017

Never give up.

How many times will a garden freeze before the Gardener gives up.

My "Sensation" lilac froze this year but surprised me and rewarded me with a few second blooms.

Orchids will always reward you.  Good light and a little water is all they need. 

The snow is still deep on Horseshoe Mountain Ridge...
it will be a good watering year.   

My daisies are back after almost being wiped out last year by an overly zealous helper who tried to get rid of dandelions.

A new color of Foxglove? 

Our little town celebrated Heritage Days this past weekend.  

Many people came and bought.  My hand painted and simple bowls are still a favorite.

How is your garden growing?



  1. Gorgeous flower scenes.
    I love your bowls.

    1. Hello Rick, Flowers make the world go around, don't they.

  2. What a sensational foxglove, and gorgeous bowls. I am not surprised that the bowls flew off your shelves during the Heritage Day last weekend. How beautiful too are your daisies complimented by the snowy tops on Horseshoe Mountain Ridge - simply lovely.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I am so pleased that you like my simple little bowls. They are so easy to paint. No matter how many I have ready for the celebration,they always disappear in the first few hours.
      Your posts about Italy have given me the wanderlust again. We are making plans to make this year another trip across the ocean. We might even include that part of Italy that you recently visited.

  3. Your bowls are wonderful; it is easy to see why they sell well. Daises are my very favorite flower and I am delighted to see that yours are alive and thriving. That photo would inspire Monet to rise from the dead and paint again . . . the daises with the pond in the background . . . oh, I wish I were there, it looks like a place of enchantment, a place to dip your toes in the water and day dream all day long.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Connie :)

    1. Hello Connie, No wonder daisies are your favorite flowers. They behave so well in the garden and are long lasting cut flowers. Their bright and clean faces make them a favorite.
      When you come for a visit you are welcome to dip your toes in the water. The geese and ducks will keep you company.

  4. You live in such a beautiful part of the world. I love your little bowls, no wonder they sold well.

    1. Hello Gina, Yes, we are lucky to live in this beautiful part of the world. Spring, Summer and Fall are extra special. It's the long winters that call for extra patience.

  5. Dear Gina,
    such a beautiful shot of your Foxglove and all other photos give a wonderful sense of your immediate surroundings.
    A gardener can never be sure what will thrive in the next season as I can see in my Hydrangeas which do not show a single flower this year. We try to protect what we have planted and then we wait patiently. Love your pretty little bowls.
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, How old are your Hydrangeas? Very strange that they don't want to bloom this year. In our climate nothing is ever the same. We had a very abundant fruit year last year...this year, nothing.
      I'm still painting new bowls. They were ordered when I ran out. I am pleased that you like them.

  6. Oh My, I am wondering if I was the overzealous Dandelion killer this past weekend. I read the directions, all of them carefully and I sprayed my gardens with the few quite expensive array of perennials that also has all of the Creeping Charlie, Dandelions, etc and now it appears everything is tinged in brown and it also stated kills to the roots...not sure what shall become of my labor, a little concerned. I love your bowls, such lovely colours. Thank you Gina for your beautiful, cherry shares, always makes me happy~

    1. Dear Mary, This does not sound good. My daisies came back but not like they were and it took an entire year for them to recuperate, however, not to their full glory. I hope that you haven't lost, for good, your perennials. Only time will tell and I will keep my fingers crossed.

  7. Sorry dear, late here , but have to just say how beautiful everything looks around your lovely home.
    That snow on Horseshoe Ridge is amazing - glad it will hep in the watering during the hot Summer days to come.
    The daisies, thankfully have survived - how I love those simple, clean flowers - and are looking wonderful despite the almost loss of last year!

    Your bowls are so pretty Gina - your work always astounds me.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, You said it best, those simple clean flowers, the daisies, are always such a welcome sight. They are fading now but will provide more seeds for the coming years.
      Thank you for your visit. It is so appreciated.
