Thursday, July 13, 2017

Good Grief, I just noticed.

My chickens are reaching through the fence. 

Aha, I caught you.  No use looking so innocent now. 

They are eating my new Sweet Pea Shoots.

No use denying it.  I've seen you do it. 

A summer without Sweet Peas? 

Now listen here girls, I'm watching you. 

 If it hairlips a hog, I will have Sweet Peas this year.  

One of every color in the rainbow. 

And one more thing. 
The Ronde de Nice seeds I saved from last year's crop did not look promising.
But now I see that I will have enough of these delectable little squash to share with the entire town. 

(They may show up on your doorstep).

Have a great remainder of the week, dear friends. 



  1. Beautiful photos.
    And I happen to love chickens.

  2. Hello Rick, Chickens are a messy bunch. Believe it or not each one of them has a different personality. There is always one in the bunch that likes to come over and talk to me when I'm in the garden.

  3. Dear Gina,
    in the garden one will always find something nibbling on some plants. If it is not the many little caterpillars,
    the grapes go to the birds and the squirrels make a mess of the pots. Your colorful chickens will probably reward
    you with extra special eggs after a meal of the Sweet Peas.Love all your photos and the carved wood design.
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I guess no Gardener is immune from the destruction of all kinds of critters. Every year is different. It's always a juggling act. What is more important, fresh eggs or Sweet Peas.
      The carved wood is a detail from a large piece of an Italian highboy. It holds my china and crystal.

  4. Dear Gina - I love that you have such a wonderful variety of chickens all dressed in different colours - it does look though as if sufficient sweet peas will survive their snips for you to also enjoy them. I am having trouble with my morning glories - everytime a seedling appears and gets established something, I know not what, comes along in the nightime and snips it off.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Your morning glory story is amazing. I can't imagine what critter would like them. They are somewhat poisonous, aren't they? My morning glories volunteer prolifically and I have to make sure that they don't overwhelm some of the spaces. I can't think of anything that might work.
      One idea might be placing a shallow dish filled with beer and check it very early in the morning. See what might have drowned or come by for a visit.

    2. Thanks for the tip Gina - I am also going to put a polythene bag over them for the night.

    3. Good Luck Rosemary. Let me know if it works.

  5. Haha I had to look that one up and yes, I hope that you do get those naughty little chickens to behave themselves. They are very pretty naughty chickens though. I love Sweet Peas, they have such delicate and lovely faces, and the colours are so pure. I don't have much of anything growing, it is all in a state of decline. We have had a very long dry spell and the earth under the much looks like concrete...not a good soil for growing pretties and so I enjoy stopping by to see what you have blooming. Take good care of yourself and those Sweet Peas~

  6. Dear Mary, Nothing is easy about gardening, is it. Always something trying to give us an extra challenge. Every year is so different, especially this year where like you, we have had no rain for a very long time. We have been pumping water out of our pond to help keep our vegetables and flowers going. We are lucky.
