Sunday, January 7, 2018

When traveling Europe by car

We solve parking issues by staying in nearby and smaller towns.

Auer/Ora, Italy is such a place. 

It's an easy off/on from the main highway, 

the E 45 coming from the Brenner Pass. 

Ora/Auer is located just south of the Italian town of Bolzano

It is a jumping off point to the Dolomites and the Italian region of the Trento Adige, where both Italian and German is spoken.

Bolzano is a charming town.   It has a bustling, colorful market square, great shopping and a most excellent museum, which houses the famous 5,300 year old Iceman.

The market is open every day, summer and winter.

It is also the largest Christmas Market in Italy. 

Small towns are perfect for wandering into side streets and old historic sections.  

Their teacher gave them an assignment.

This was the scene they were to paint, 
a lesson in perspective. 

leisurely walks provide lots of pretty scenery..

The "Amadeus" Hotel is conveniently located in the middle of town. It is an excellent hotel, featuring regional dishes, easy parking and excellent service.  

I have the wanderlust again. 
Maybe you do too. 



  1. I love that area around Bolzano too Gina, but it is about 9 years since I was last there - you have definitely given me that feeling of wanderlust again.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      We have been thinking about taking the train next time. I remember how beautiful the ride is through the Brenner Pass.
      You have the advantage of not having to put up with long hours of getting there. Although coming from England would take a little extra time.

  2. Dear Gina, thank you for bringing memories of our stay in Bolzano/Bozen to MM today, it is over 30 years since we overnighted there on our way from our home in Munich to a vacation villa outside of Sienna. I, like Rosemary, would love to go back there one day.

    1. Dear Maggie, If it's been 30 years then you have probably not seen the Iceman exhibit. The Museum is just up the street from the central market.
      The next most favorite spot is Oberbozen/Soprabolzano. Take the Funicular to the top where a wooden railcar will take you through the most beautiful countryside and villages.

  3. Always beautiful here, Gina. Happy 2018 to you and yours.

    1. Hi Sarah, I'm so happy that you stopped by. Also wishing you a Happy 2018.

  4. Every scene so picturesque, so serene. How could anyone resist going there after looking at these pictures? I love markets, especially the fruit section. Delicious!

    1. Hello Angie,
      Bolzano's market is the very best. We have seen the same merchants for more than 30 years. It's the first place I must visit when nearby. Thank you for your visit.

  5. What a beautiful region of Italy. The less-traveled routes are often very interesting, and have opportunities for more engagement with the country and its people. It's fun to imagine traveling during these January days.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      You are so right. It is all about the people and the beautiful country one finds in the not-so-well-traveled places. And yes, January is the time to make plans for the next trip. It keeps aways the winter blues.

  6. dream day maybe, and if not, I can visit through your shares. So very beautiful, from the narrow streets, the market with such a beautiful array of fruits and vegetables, the landscapes, just delights me. Have a marvelous time Gina. Hugs~

    1. Dear Mary, You never know. Make sure you have a valid passport at all times. That's the first step of getting there.
