Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Is it too early to talk about Easter?

It's never too early to get out the Easter Egg Paints  

And paint a few Easter Eggs. 

I paint Duck eggs, they drop them willy nilly all around our pond.  We also supplement our chicken feed with Abalone shells.  Eggs are not as fragile.

Maybe throw in a few golden eggs, antiqued to make them more interesting.

Place them into a bowl, hang them into a few forced blossoms branches or hide them under a cloche, on a bed of fresh moss.

 And if you have a little extra time why not gild a few eggs.  I will show you how
here and my goose that laid the golden egg here

Paint with a lot of different colors and don't forget the important white.

They don't have to be Faberge eggs, just begin and have a lot of fun.

And with hand made chocolate leaves.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Had to share this charming book one more time.

"Stories from a time when food, love and music were the essential parts of life ..." (Foreword Keith Floyd)

A few more copies available from Amazon Books

A rich collection of scandalous stories of love and passion
Carol Payne

"Doreen dreamt she lay in the Brassicas with her Gypsy Lover..."

"But today she was excited for she was meeting Bertie Floyd and they were going for a walk down by the Tidefork river.  He was going to show her how to tickle a trout..."

"Shortly after this event Betty was packed off to London to stay with her aunt..."

"Queenie grew up to be a smashing looking girl, a bit wild like her mother, a lover of life and men..."

"She came from a poor Cornish family, so poor that Amy was made to wear underwear made out of flour sacks, which were printed with red, bold letters 'THE FINEST FLOUR'..."

"She was a proud plump woman, well respected in the village..."

Happy Valentine's Day


Monday, February 12, 2018

You say you don't know how to cook

Yes you do!

Almost all soups begin the same way.

 You need only 5 items.
Onions, carrots, celery and a good soup stock (I don't expect you to make your own stock).

To 6 cups of vegetable stock add 2 cups of lentils or split peas and 2 to 3 smoked ham hocks.  Cook over low heat for about an hour or until peas become slightly tender. (Don't forget to stir the pot once in a while).

Cut up a handful each of  carrots, onions and celery into bite size pieces and add to the simmering soup.  Continue cooking for another 20 to 30 minutes.
Add salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare a salad of Romaine lettuce,  hearts of palm, whole small peppers and sprinkle salad with blue cheese and a little olive oil.
Serve with warm crusty bread and fresh, unsalted butter.

Next week follow same instructions but omit legumes and smoked meat.

ADD a cut up chicken instead and at the end add a few of your favorite noodles.  Cook until noodles are al dente (done).

That's called home made chicken noodle soup. 

Serve a ripened pear with aged cheese for dessert.

This is only the beginning of your culinary adventures. 
Soon you will be preparing Lobster Thermidor. 

Think of all the accolades you will receive.  


Saturday, February 3, 2018

I can't believe it.

I can't believe it!

I sent this mural only a few days ago to my client in Virginia.  

It's already installed.  And what a beautiful job.
 I love the way the subway tiles are laid on an angle. 

I am so pleased that I received this picture. 
I seldom see my tiles once they are  sent off. 

I can't believe it.

I have walked past this corner of my garden and didn't notice that my Hellebore have sent out a few tentative blossoms.  

It's been warmer than usual.  We have not had a winter,  nor have we had much snow.  

Maybe it will rain come Spring.

Have a wonderful weekend dear friends.  
