Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Had to share this charming book one more time.

"Stories from a time when food, love and music were the essential parts of life ..." (Foreword Keith Floyd)

A few more copies available from Amazon Books

A rich collection of scandalous stories of love and passion
Carol Payne

"Doreen dreamt she lay in the Brassicas with her Gypsy Lover..."

"But today she was excited for she was meeting Bertie Floyd and they were going for a walk down by the Tidefork river.  He was going to show her how to tickle a trout..."

"Shortly after this event Betty was packed off to London to stay with her aunt..."

"Queenie grew up to be a smashing looking girl, a bit wild like her mother, a lover of life and men..."

"She came from a poor Cornish family, so poor that Amy was made to wear underwear made out of flour sacks, which were printed with red, bold letters 'THE FINEST FLOUR'..."

"She was a proud plump woman, well respected in the village..."

Happy Valentine's Day



  1. Dear Gina,
    in answer to your last post, yes, the pretty maidens it is, always the pretty maidens just like in the book you are showing. I bought two copies when I first saw it on your blog and I still have both.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Mr. G., with hugs,Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      I know that the champagne was flowing at your house. Happy Valentine's Day to you today and everyday.

  2. A perfect book for today Gina and I like it's title too! - have a lovely day and hopefully some treats today too.

    1. Dear Rosemary,

      Yes, a few chocolates were shared and then they quickly disappeared. Mr G has to hide them from me.

  3. Oh goodness, what fabulous paintings Gina - I rather like Queenie especially - first time I've seen this book! Can imagine Keith wrote a somewhat raunchy forward - that's the type of chef he was! He opened several restaurants and had a fabulous pub/restaurant, The Maltster's Arms next to a moorland brook not far from where I lived in Devon. He drank far too much and I think lost his businesses. He was the most fun TV chef in the business - and I think was inebriated much of the time!

    Rosemary I'm sure will recall his TV cooking shows such as Floyd On Fish.

    Valentine hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      This little book is a favorite of mine. It always produces a few chuckles. At least Chef Keith knew what he was talking about. He must have been a most colorful character...the kind of person one would like to meet.
      Hope you had a very special Valentine's Day.

  4. I love those illustrations... what terrific fun!

    1. Hi Gina,
      A girl after my own heart. Nice to see you again.

  5. Hi Gina, laying a bit low here, finally coming out and about. We had a shooting in KY 2 weeks ago and then last week's just too much. Your images from the book illustrations are delightful. Hugs

    1. Dear Mary, It has been a terrible week. I don't know how the families cope with this tragedy. I am so sorry for their loss.
