Friday, July 27, 2018

The making of a kitchen

The Beginning

An idea is born.

Many choices are considered.

New ideas are added.

More decisions.

My client was happy to participate. 

More ideas.

This design was our starting point.

Even more ideas considered.

Hundreds of tiles later...a new kitchen. 

In the meantime a friend needed a new banner designed.

The same feature tile ends up with a totally different idea.  

Already working on the next project.  

The weeks are flying by.  I picked a few hollyhock blossoms and covered them with sand. 
Will see what they look like in a few days.  

This time of year they will dry in about 3 days. 

And they will look like this.  
(I will show you).

Wishing you have a wonderful weekend, 



  1. How beautiful your hollyhocks are! And the tiles - what a gorgeous kitchen! You are a most talented woman, Gina.

    1. Hi Lorrie,
      My hollyhocks surprise me with new colors every year. They also like to plant themselves into the most unexpected corners- that is a good thing sometimes, sometimes not.

  2. All just breathtaking dear Gina - what a magnificent backsplash!
    Love the 'new project' look - the colors in that one tile makes me think that Autumn is not far off - looking forward to my favorite season but of course still excited about what this Summer has yet to bring!!!!!
    Love your hollyhocks - your green thumb certainly shows through with these beautiful blooms.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      I can cheat a little and take pictures of flowers when they are all clumped together. Makes it all look like a successful garden.
      The backsplash was a collaboration of ideas from owner, designer and the painter (me). My tiles have a new home in San Diego. I'm so pleased that my client decided on mostly blue. Being next to the ocean, blue is such a good choice.

  3. What lovely kitchen tiles you created and painted Gina - it must be very satisfying you to know that your talents are appreciated and that you have helped to make such a special kitchen for them.

  4. Dear Rosemary, My clients always come up with the best and most original ideas. It is interesting that hand painted ceramic tiles have become popular again. I love painting them so it makes all of us winners.

  5. Your art is extraordinary! Makes me smile to think of the lady walking into her kitchen and seeing your art!

    1. Hello Diane,
      I loved that my client wanted dark blue cabinets. Certainly sets off the tiles. I thank you for your very nice compliment.

  6. Your tiles are beautiful, I think that your clients must be very happy with the wonderful results. I'm intrigued by the drying process will look forward to seeing how the hollyhocks are transformed soon.
    Thanks for joining us for Mosaic Monday again this week.

    1. Hi Maggie,
      I think that I will test the hollyhocks later today. Will let you know how they turned out. Roses are even easier to dry. They are not as fragile.
      Thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday and thank you also for liking my tiles.

  7. Now if only i had some Hollyhocks to pluck and do this little creation!!!

    1. Dear Mary, Maybe you can find a few roses. They are the easiest to preserve in sand. A special bowl of dried potpourri with a big fat rose plopped on top is a pretty sight.

  8. Thankyou for sharing such as nice article it really helpfull for me actually i was looking same design for my kitchen.
    Kitchen Tiling Brighton
