Saturday, September 8, 2018

Morning Glories have a lot of talent.

Plant a few seeds

water now and then.

They have a way of finding a way to shine.

They cover awkward spaces beautifully.

They only bloom in the morning

and fade away. 

Where did this one come from?  
They call them Sports.

This one escaped to the hollyhocks.

They look especially nice when cascading from an urn.

Morning Glories self seed and show up in the most unexpected places.  
That is what makes them so special.  

And all the while you have not lifted a finger.  

Have a happy and lazy weekend dear friends. 



  1. So beautiful and just day before yesterday my neighbor two door down offered me a handful of Morning Glory seeds. Your images are so glorious. I hope that you have been doing well. Have a blessed week. Hugs~

    1. Dear Mary,
      Are you going to save those seeds for next year? Don't do what I have done at times...forget where I put them when it comes time to planting.
      Thank you for your sweet message.

  2. Oh, the sport one is magic! Mine had a way of taking over. If only mine would behave.

    1. Hello Donna,
      Morning Glories do have a way of taking over. I'm going to save the seeds from the unusual one and see where that goes. Thank you for visiting.

  3. I am enjoying my Morning Glories too, but no such luck as self seeding here. All of mine have been grown by me from seed, and carefully nurtured. My seeds have become rather mixed up, and I never know quite what will appear, but I too have some stripy ones, not as pretty as yours though, but in shocking pink and purple.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      My Morning Glory seeds end up in the most unusual places, I think, because we have such strong winds at times. I love the idea of never quite knowing what will appear. I have places in my secret garden, which I never show, where Morning Glories look as if they want to take over the world.

  4. I love them - some have grown from last years seeds in my large pots, however this year I didn't put up fishing line and train them up the front porch and have the hummingbirds stop by. I seem to have not done a lot of the usual things this summer - but then I did do other things which kept me busy!

    Lovely photos Gina - morning glories growing up grape vines, and that last vase with roses, so beautiful.

    1. Dear Mary,
      Morning Glories do make such pretty fences, especially when hummingbirds stop by. I know why you haven't done some of the usual things. Wanderlust has taken over.

  5. There are invasive morning glories here and I've been pulling them up for 16 years now, and pretty much have them under control. The tamer variety is so pretty as it winds its way through your garden. Beautiful photos.

    1. Hi Lorrie,

      You are correct. That common little white morning glory is such a nuisance. It strangles everything when it has an opportunity. The hybrids can be quite stunning. Thank you for your lovely compliment.
