Saturday, November 3, 2018

No sign of leaving.

Aren't they supposed to go South? 

Or is it North?

They show up every morning.
You can set your clock by them.

They gorge themselves on fallen apples and pears.

What will they do when the food runs out and they missed their migration?

They will figure it out, you say?

Most of them were born by our pond.
This is the only home they have ever known. 

Have a wonderful week dear friends. 



  1. I always miss them when I see the Canada geese flying south for the winter, however I had no idea that they like to gorge themselves on fallen apples and pears which is an effortless way to keep your property clean- certainly a Win/ Win!

    1. You're so right Elizabeth. The geese help with the cleanup. In addition, we have a fair sized herd of deer that think nothing of marauding my vegetable garden. I was counting on harvesting my cabbages and freezing some of my greens. They beat me to them.

  2. Your Canada geese have no need to fly away, they know that your lake is the best spot for them - as the saying goes 'they know exactly on which side their bread is buttered'.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      In our area not much is left to eat once it gets below zero. Then all of the ponds freeze over in our valley. Our pond is fed by a deep spring which has a constant water temperature of 65 degrees. That means that a small area of the pond stays open. We usually have about 200 ducks stop by. This winter will be interesting. Who will win squatter rights?

  3. Wonderful views from your porch over the pond and fields. If you have Canada geese you have them forever, the last decade we too have lots of them, I love looking at their behaviour.

    1. Hello Janneke,
      You are cright, Canada Geese are special. At least they are not destroying my garden. We also love watching them. It is quite the sight when a hundred of them land on our pond pushing waves of sparkling water in front of them.

  4. I see you already have a change in the scenery from the house Gina - Autumn is definitely surrounding you and it is beautiful. Your nights are below freezing now but it appears your days are brilliant, dry with sunshine - it must be so lovely and I wish I was back there with you and Mr. G.
    I'm wondering how the geese fared this morning with the time change - guess they have no inkling that the clocks went back whereas I slept in a bit and awoke to lovely sunshine too, looks like a perfect Autumn day here and I plan to walk in the woods later with my camera of course.
    Hugs to you both.

    1. Dear Mary,
      What a perfect weather report! I expect that the geese will fly in about an hour later, that is according to my clock but not theirs. They always announce themselves by flying over the house, talking all the while. If everything looks ok they will fly in. If strangers are around, they make several passes to assess the situation. They are so smart.
      Enjoy your walk in the woods.

  5. Dear Gina,
    these geese know something that we do not and their instinct always amazes me.One thing is sure, they will not find another beautiful setting like yours north or south. Love your beautiful fall photos and how great that you caught them arriving by the pond.
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Years ago the geese used to fly over our house. They made such happy sounds and one could hear the whooshing sound of their wings. To me it was a sound that announced the end of summer.
      Now they fly over and land. And for the past 2 years they have stayed. There must not be any room for them in the South.

  6. Those geese have a great spot for gorging on fallen fruit. It's amazing to me how the migratory animals move each year, perfectly in tune with nature.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      I hope you are right. So far there is no sign of them leaving. Our own ducks and geese are ready for them to leave.

  7. Hello, wonderful views and pretty scenery. The geese usually come south for winter? I think we see them here in Maryland year round. Lovely post and photos. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

    1. Hello Eileen,
      I think that there has been a geese population explosion in recent years. Geese have made themselves at home in many places, including golf courses where they are not welcome.
      Wishing you a great week, as well.

  8. Hi Gina, you certainly have some lovely views. I'm sure the deposits these flocks leave behind might be a nuisance. Great photos. Happy Monday to you.

    1. Hi Ellen.
      Thank you for your very nice compliment. You are right. However, those deposits make for beautiful and green pastures come Springtime.

  9. Gina - thank you so much for joining MM today. As Ellen mentions above, I love geese but not so much their deposits … Maybe the delayed departure means winter is late in coming? Here in Montana, our snow and cooler temperatures are behind schedule!!!

    1. Dear Angie,
      Thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday. I know that it is a lot of work for you and your willingness to put so much time into it is so appreciated.
      It's interesting to hear about your weather in Montana, a beautiful State and one we have visited many times.

  10. Wonderful story. I enjoyed this Post. Happy MosaicMonday!

    1. Hello Erica,
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. Wishing you a great week.
