Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Mary is to blame

Biscotti was on her mind

It snowed all day.
A good day to bake Biscotti.

Biscotti di Noce will last 2 months if placed in an air tight tin. 

Ready to go back into the oven. 
(Biscotti, twice baked) 

There was no vin santo for dipping.
My sour cherry Kirsch Likör was even better. 

Traveling through a small town  in Italy we noticed  a long line of women standing outside a bakery.  
Of course I had to investigate.  I came home with a large sack of biscotti because I didn't know how to tell the nice lady that I only wanted a few pieces.  

Biscotti was piled into the window well of the small bakery.  
There were flies.  Yes, you guessed it.  The next generation of flies made it home with me.  


Here is the traditional Biscotti Recipe


  1. Your biscotti look delicious, and there are no flies! What a fun memory!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      I remember the day well. We were on our way to the National Museum of Etruscan artifacts in Tarquinia, Italy. I hate to think of what else we could have brought home.

  2. I have never made biscotti, and yours does look very tasty. My granddaughter usually makes us some at Christmas time.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Biscotti are so easy. I don't use hazelnuts (traditional) but grind and chop toasted almonds instead. That eliminates a lot of the work and I prefer the taste. When forming the biscotti loaves make sure that your hands are wet. ..the dough is very sticky. After baking the second time you can even dip one end into a good chocolate that you have melted.

    2. Hi again Rosemary,
      I have just added the traditional Biscotti recipe to my post.

  3. Gina dear - I'm so glad to see I inspired someone to bake biscotti and share such a fun story. Yours look so good - much better than any store bought versions, even Italian, I'm certain! I will make some soon. I'm still baking the no-knead bread once a week - took a crunchy crusted right out of the oven loaf to my daughter Kim's last Sunday. They scoffed it down non-stop while we visited and seemed quite surprised that I actually made it myself!!!

    Now, if I could just inspire Bob to get on with his de-cluttering (closet and drawers) a bit faster! The painter is starting Feb. 17 so absolutely everything has to be out of that bedroom as ceiling will also be scraped and painted. After that the flooring will be done - removing the carpeting and taking the hard flooring through - so much easier to clean. I'm wondering now if I'm crazy to be doing all this - such an upheaval in a small house - but I know I'll love it when it's all over. Well I hope I will!

    See you are getting more snow and very cold night temps. Do take care dear one.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      I am so glad that you resurrected the no knead bread. As you have said, it takes a little time. But it is only time in waiting for the hours to pass. There is nothing to do but wait for the next day. The part that is so rewarding is that you have actually baked a loaf of bread that is as good as any French Bakery can bake.
      We have had a lot of snow. And that is all right. We need it for the coming growing season. Have a wonderful vacation. And, good luck with your renovations. You two are amazing!
