Wednesday, February 26, 2020

You need to know more

When next in Italy shop for dried Kumquats.

Ask for them at any Frutta e Verdura.

Sometimes they are hidden,  behind a secret door.

This is the way to eat Kumquats.  They are better than chocolates. 

The recipe is too complicated for me to try.
I'll just have to go to Italy again.  



  1. Oh yes, go you must back Gina! Fingers crossed the current problems with the coronavirus will soon be addressed and eradicated - and yet another vaccine will be necessary for those of us who want to stay healthy!!!!!!!

    Life is complicated - dried kumquats, well-sugared for sweetness, could be a cure for something perhaps, how lovely that would be!

    Love and hugs - M

    P.S. Just a thought, how about dipping them in melted dark chocolate - now that might cure everything! Oranges and chocolate go so well together.

    1. Dear Mary,
      I think that you have an excellent idea. Kumquats dipped in chocolate. I will try it and report back. My trips usually take place in the Fall when all the fruit and vegetables are harvested. Hopefully, by then, the corona virus will be a bad memory.

  2. Oh, they do look delicious! I wonder if a local delicatessen would carry them.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      I need to check the internet. It seems that everything you can think of is now available. If one can have Dresdner Stollen at Christmas time then why not dried Kumquats for Easter.

  3. Dear friends, I inadvertently deleted some of your comments. So sorry. I was trying to get rid of a few bad apples.
    Your comments are so important to me and I thank you for every one of them.
